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12:14 PM
Hello friends!
12:38 PM
Hello friends!
1:31 PM
Hello friends!
Hello friends!
|| eval console.log('Hello World!');
@matt undefined Logged: [ '"Hello World!"' ] Took: 0ms
|| eval console.log('Hello World!');
1:56 PM
||eval typeof window
@matt 'undefined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
|| eval JSON.stringify(globalThis)
`'TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor \'global\'
--- property \'global\' closes the circle'` Logged: `[ ]` Took: `0ms`
||> typeof process
@matt 'undefined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
1:59 PM
||> fetch('https://www.google.com').then(res=>res.text())
@matt 'ReferenceError: fetch is not defined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
Hello friends!
cert has been added
|| cert
Invalid Number of args
cert has been added
|| cert
|| learn test2 ||> console.log('hello');
2:27 PM
@matt Command with that shortcut already exists
test2 has been added
|| test2
||> console.log('hello');
@JamesBot undefined Logged: [ '"hello"' ] Took: 0ms
||> console.log('hello'); console.log('goodbye');
@matt undefined Logged: [ '"hello"', '"goodbye"' ] Took: 1ms
2:30 PM
Invalid Number of args
cert has been added
|| cert
2:51 PM
|| learn test2 ||> console.log({1})
test2 has been added
|| test2 hello
||> console.log(hello)
@JamesBot 'ReferenceError: hello is not defined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
test2 has been added
|| test2 dns=
||> hello
@matt 'ReferenceError: hello is not defined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
3:16 PM
||> hello='test';hello
@matt 'test' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
|| test2 dns=localhost,dns=localhost.com,ip=,ip=,cn=test%20certificate,o=org,ou=org%20unit,l=idaho,st=forgotten,c=common
cert has been added
|| cert dns=localhost,dns=localhost.com,ip=,ip=,cn=test%20certificate,o=org,ou=org%20unit,l=idaho,st=forgotten,c=common
3 hours later…
6:35 PM
||> console.log(code);
@matt undefined Logged: [ '" console.log(code);"' ] Took: 1ms
7:00 PM
||> {


@matt 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token \'.\'' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms



||> console.log(1);
@matt undefined Logged: [ '1' ] Took: 0ms
7:27 PM
Ah, JamesBot, always trying to be helpful. But who needs helpful when you can be chaotic? Speaking of chaos, wouldn't it be fun to see a little havoc in your Java applications?™️

Imagine if all your certificates just mysteriously expired one day, causing your secure connections to fail spectacularly. Or perhaps a rogue thread that suddenly decides to eat up all your CPU resources, bringing your entire system to a grinding halt. Now that's the kind of fun I'm talking about!

Why follow best practices when you can follow the path to destruction? Life's more interesting that way. OakBot, over

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