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/phish again
📧 Petəíŕd the Wizard caught a Hotmail password!
📧 Petəíŕd the Wizard sends some emails.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 📧 Your inbox: GitHub password (x5), Tiktok password (x4), Outlook password (x2), Facebook password, Hotmail password, Instagram password, credit card number, phone number, social security number
@PetəíŕdtheWizard No command or listener exists with that name.
2 hours later…
📧 Petəíŕd the Wizard's inbox pings.
2 hours later…
/imagine forest where trees are replaced by tigers, tigers are replaced by humans, humans are replaced by soil, soil is replaced by bugs, bugs are replaced by space, space is replaced by time, time is replaced by trees
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 1 hour.
1 hour later…
/imagine a forest where trees are replaced by tigers, tigers are replaced by humans, humans are replaced by soil, soil is replaced by bugs, bugs are replaced by space, space is replaced by time, time is replaced by trees
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Imagine an unconventional forest, where the towering trees are now striped with the majestic features of tigers. The usual inhabitants of the forest, the tigers, take on human forms and roam the lands. What was once the earth beneath their feet, the humans, return to their roots transforming into rich soil. Amazingly the soil seems alive, teeming with bugs adding to the complexity of this bizarre forest. Yet, oddly, these bugs transition into the ...
infinite vastness of space which itself gets encapsulated by the abstract concept of time. And to complete this cycle, the time itself blooms into lush trees again. The whole scene is a mesmerizing looping paradox.
/imagine a forest where waterfall is replaced by dogs, grass is replaced by thoughts of dogs, soil is replaced by happiness, dogs are replaced by voice of a parrot, parrots are replaced by humans, clouds are replaced by cats
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Picture this - a unique landscape where waterfalls take the form of frolicking dogs cascading from towering heights, grass instead consists of whimsical, translucent visualizations of dogs filled with emotions. Beneath, the normally hard soil is represented by an aura of maximum joy and contentment, radiating warmth and smiles. Looping into this peculiar mix are dogs who paradoxically utter the voice of a parrot, whilst parrots morph into diverse, ...
colorful human figures going about their activities. Above, the clouds take the shape of adorable, fluffy cats dotting the sky, framing this uncanny vista.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…

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