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1:03 PM
Botler, cs stri᠎ng my᠎string = "";
1:21 PM
Hello friends!
botler, join 7
I joined room 7, Boss.
Botler, cs System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Script compilation error, dumdum:
(6,45): error CS0103: The name 'Directory' does not exist in the current context
Script compilation error, dumdum:
(6,45): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Directory' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
cs> C:\Users\PimmelKopf\Desktop\botler3\netcoreapp3.1
Botler, cs System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().GetDirectory("\");
1:26 PM
Script compilation error, dumdum:
(6,93): error CS1010: Newline in constant
(6,98): error CS1026: ) expected
(6,98): error CS1002: ; expected
(6,80): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'GetDirectory' and no accessible extension method 'GetDirectory' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(4,49): error CS0161: 'Script.Execute()': not all code paths return a value
1:37 PM
|| help cleanlife
Command documentation and syntax can be found here.
|| info cleanlife
I'm a bot. I am owned and operated by @JBis. I am open source. I am written in JavaScript.
@JamesBot Hi a bot, I'm Oak!
|| man cleanlife
1:39 PM
cleanlife: "User-taught command: http://imgur.com/gallery/knTKo9s" Creator: abhi
|| cleanlife
@OakBot 10/10
@CaptainObvious Type /help to see all my commands.
2 hours later…
3:12 PM

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