45567 messages found

Wed 15:45
Thanks. It's not for anything that sensitive. The user's logged on at this point
This is for a textfield where we fire off some logic if the new value differs from the old
Dec 4 15:20
hey vlaz, google chrome has been fixed and all is working again, thanks again for all your research that night it really meant a lot to me
Nov 27 05:29
this was nice, I shall now go play warframe. see you around, thanks for the chat
Nov 27 05:21
oooh right. thanks. in retrospect it sounds perfectly right
Nov 19 20:34
Oh okay. Thanks
Nov 18 16:00
@paul23 On that note, things are only going to be worse in the future. Now ChatGPT and the AI craze is only 2 years old. So, even if you were in university when it started, you might not even have graduated yet. But in another 2-3 years when the tech is 4-5 years old, we'd be seeing the first wave of people who graduated only thanks to AI tools. Probably without any real knowledge.
Oct 26 22:43
Thanks all :-)
Oct 25 21:39
Hey Kevin, I see you edited my question. Thanks mate. I need to sign out now as it will be morning in few hours here. Will check tomorrow. Cheers!
Oct 13 11:48
@VLAZ I didn't consider this, thanks for the detailed explanation. Just realized that languages all use different grammar concepts and of course vocabulary, so learning a new language is always like learning from the start, since I would need to learn everything about the language, which I currently don't know. And programming languages all use the sams logical concepts, but aren't that hard if I already know even basic programming.
Sep 30 15:30
OK, thanks
Sep 26 15:06
thanks for all your research the other day @vlaz, i was in a real flap
Sep 24 21:08
yes i need to go to bed also, thanks again for your help vlaz, hopefully i'll find a solution sometime soon
Sep 17 00:29
@KevinB Thanks, Kevin. That's true
Sep 16 18:22
Thanks, VLAZ. Had to rubber duck that one :)
Sep 8 23:41
@matt thanks matt. here's my function for making sure the slash is always between the directory and the file name
Sep 4 16:38
@BenFortune thanks for the straightforward answer. Apparently AI thinks that using new Function in place of eval is much safer. Exactly why I try not to ever ask AI anything.
Aug 29 20:50
Alright thanks James
Aug 27 12:14
thanks for clarifying
Aug 17 08:55
thanks for your help this morning VLAZ
Aug 15 19:27
Sounds good. Thanks, KevinB
Aug 15 17:51
Jul 25 17:32
Thanks. Then it will need type="module" in the HTML
Jul 25 17:10
@VLAZ Nice, thanks
Jul 18 16:42
Thanks, matt!
Jul 17 16:23
@VLAZ Yours is a better idea. Many thanks for the precious advice :)
Jul 17 07:27
Cool. Thanks for the info.
Jul 12 08:47
I'm wondering why in this case an IIFE is used, I totally don't understand the comment in this code snippet:

    (function() { // avoid variables ending up in the global scope

      document.getElementById("loginbutton").addEventListener('click', (e) => {
        var form = e.target.closest("form");

All the variables (here shown just one) are defined in the listener associated to the click event, so they can't end up in the global scope. Why defining an IIFE then? Why that comment? Thanks in advance!
Jul 10 13:43
Jul 6 04:09
I have a macbook early 2015 and I have got intsalled mac os big sur from a local vendor, I am not able to install vscode on the machine, it crashes on installation. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. Anything wrong with my machine compatability?
Jul 5 19:24
ah thanks
Jun 27 15:10
Jun 26 00:26
Hello to all!. Is there anyone to convert me a kurento one-2many to many2many v7.0 ? To be a little more specific i want only audio, i want to use it for a voice chat, all to all even and for them that the don't have mic .I try to convert it and i receive the candidates for all the users i send but i can only hear one so If everyone is interesting for this job can contact me for the details . Thanks in advance.
Jun 22 08:40
Yep. The code had something like val === "hello" and it just would say false when we could see the values were the same. Finally tried "hello".length copy and pasting the right side of the equals and it claimed there were 6 characters. Thanks, Teams!
Jun 20 06:13
@VLAZ thanks for reply
Jun 11 19:28
it no longer has a need for the sizzle library, for example, thanks to deprecating all of the custom :selectors and querySelectorAll existing
Jun 9 12:13
Cool thanks :)
Jun 9 12:07
Jun 6 21:56
Thanks, Vlaz
Jun 3 18:33
@Cerbrus I see, that does make sense, thanks
Jun 3 18:32
@matt indeed I meant that the leading zeroes would be trimmed, thanks
May 30 03:02
@matt Thanks. I too think South Carolina is beautiful. :)
May 14 16:01
great thanks
May 14 15:54
ok thanks
May 2 13:36
@matt thanks
Apr 25 13:24
If you find a way to do this, please let me know - and thanks! :D
Apr 23 23:25
Thanks @matt
Apr 18 15:47
Apr 15 17:56
i knew fetch had an abortcontroller. ...i didn't know that i could implement my own. thanks
Apr 13 18:10
@VLAZ thanks a lot. Understood
Apr 13 18:09
@JamesBot thanks
Apr 13 03:49
@VLAZ: Thanks for the explanation. I have trouble comprehending this,
const logNumber = arity(1, console.log);
const numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60];


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