526 messages found

Mar 25, 2022 22:28
@ZoestandswithUkraine @DelriusEuphoria
statically typed languages have compile-time type checking, aka the compiler yelling at you for sending a string to an if condition or doing a sum of non-numeric types or when you invoke a method that doesnt exist for that object's class

dynamically typed languages move those checks to the runtime aka, the runtime will throw an exception when you invoke a method that doesnt exist on the class (some languages allow you to have a meta method that gets invoked instead, for example Groovy)
Nov 15, 2021 09:28
Groovy basically adds what is missing in Java, so operator overloading, more type inference, added literal definitions, dynamic classes, traits, etc
Nov 15, 2021 09:27
What is the strong points of groovy compared to Java?
Nov 15, 2021 09:26
Groovy is an expansion on the syntax, so you generally dont need to re-learn anything, you just learn what is new and add it to your set
Nov 15, 2021 09:24
ok, I will now show you how to convert it to Groovy
Nov 15, 2021 09:23
@Wietlol: You can show how they are in Kotlin or Groovy.
Nov 15, 2021 09:16
Books , tutorials, etc in Groovy for Android OpenCV.
Nov 15, 2021 09:15
But Android OpenCV is ready in Groovy?
Nov 15, 2021 09:14
@Wietlol I need Java because of Android OpenCV. Learning Groovy for what advantages?
Nov 15, 2021 09:12
@user271232 if you dont want to learn new syntax, groovy might be your friend
Nov 15, 2021 09:03
You can also use kotlin instead of groovy in gradle
Nov 15, 2021 07:58
@user271232 if you dont like Java as a front end, try other JVM languages like Groovy or Kotlin
Oct 29, 2021 07:37
So how to fix that? If you have control over the ordering of C, you can use the indices (I am not familiar with Groovy best practices so I just hacked this together):
Oct 29, 2021 07:26
@user2995458 Assuming that Groovy's natural string ordering understands version numbers. Run this snippet for example:
Oct 28, 2021 21:16
Hi All, I have some queries in groovy is this a right chat room to disscuss?
Jul 10, 2021 11:49
if you want TypeScript kind of experience where valid JS is usually valid TS, you could use Groovy
Jul 10, 2021 11:48
you can have .java .groovy and .kt files all in the same project
Jul 10, 2021 11:46
Jun 17, 2021 10:09
C#, Groovy, Kotlin, ...
Apr 29, 2021 10:14
@MikeG IMO that is a bug and needs to be reported at Groovy
Apr 27, 2021 13:46
IntelliJ refuses to debug groovy in depth though
Apr 26, 2021 15:57
Is this the place to ask Groovy questions? I appear to have managed to create an object which somehow causes either a silent crash or early termination of the script if you call toString on it, either implicitly or explicitly (casting also appears to cause the "crash"). This makes no sense, so I have to assume I'm doing something drastically wrong.
Apr 1, 2021 15:13
it appears they somehow managed to make it use the groovy compiler instead of javac
Apr 1, 2021 15:10
> Groovy-Eclipse: Invalid jar path in the compiler settings: ''
Sep 6, 2020 11:12
One uses XML, the other uses Groovy. Their package systems are identical though, so maven repos are compatible with gradle and vice versa
Jul 23, 2020 14:17
kotlin and groovy are used here and there, but it is mostly Java
Jul 23, 2020 14:16
so, now IntelliJ has support for
tools like Spring/Maven/etc
languages like Java/Groovy/Scala/Kotlin/etc
integrations like git/sls/etc
cooperative tools like js,css,html/sql/etc
Jun 17, 2020 15:42
not many groovy jobs
Jun 17, 2020 15:42
Groovy is almost a superset
May 28, 2020 12:31
Thanks a lot! I thought groovy was jus a template engine @Neil
May 28, 2020 12:25
not because groovy is a bad language, just that it is a little outdated
May 28, 2020 12:25
though if you ask me, you should prefer kotlin to groovy
May 28, 2020 12:25
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez here's an example with spring + groovy: github.com/jlstrater/groovy-spring-boot-restdocs-example
May 28, 2020 12:19
Does anyone know where I can find a complex Spring MVC project? Some kind of sample project where I can take a look at the code and learn new things? An example with Groovy or Thymeleaf with complex template nesting would be great. The question about complex template nesting is because I don't understand how a controller in the real world should call up a whole site with sooo much information on it
Feb 10, 2020 19:29
I am using org.javamodularity.moduleplugin:1.6.0 and noticed that this only happens when groovy gradle plugin is applied (which I need because I have groovy sources as well)
Dec 27, 2019 22:38
Q: Scripted syntax of gradle task

overexchangeBelow is the declarative syntax of Groovy in build.gradle: task hello { description "Hey student! Run this one :D" group "Our demo" doLast { println "Hello World!" } } What is the scripted syntax for this code? Is it... task(hello,{ description("Hey student...

Dec 18, 2019 00:41
Been using Kotlin in production for 2+ years at a company with tens of thousands of daily users. We use it alongside Groovy. Ask me anything.
Nov 28, 2019 16:29
I cant seem to host the eval groovy version tho
Oct 22, 2019 13:52
only in groovy, you are allowed to do this
Oct 15, 2019 21:12
hmm... this is interesting... if I add groovy to the project, my unit tests start failing
Oct 15, 2019 13:53
Groovy is a tool I really like... but I would gladly replace it by Kotlin if it has an equally good scripting api
Oct 15, 2019 13:52
you can easily set up a templating engine in groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:52
jenkins build files are in groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:51
DataGrip's scripts are in groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:51
groovy is a nice tool for a dev in Jaba land
Oct 15, 2019 13:51
I would do eval by Groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:50
I would write it in kotlin, with the groovy script library
Oct 15, 2019 13:50
I thought you meant you would write the eval code with groovy ._.
Oct 15, 2019 13:49
^ that is groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:49
You mean the code one would execute would be written in groovy
Oct 15, 2019 13:49
I will groovy later when I need it :)

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