
Haskell. We endorse Alex' attempts to learn Haskell.
3410d ago – Bartek Banachewicz

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Jul 24, 2014 15:30
Mar 9, 2015 17:41
The ideological boils down to exceptions being a hack to let us write functions that are not total but masquerade as such (they kinda are: the language doesn't need them, but it would make the barrier to entry even higher; just one of the many design 'mistakes' that cater to newbies).
Feb 19, 2015 22:56
@Jefffrey I'm a dick.
Dec 11, 2014 11:40
Yesterday, two students who never programmed on their own sat down with me to learn C++ (required for their lecture).
Nov 29, 2014 14:32
@Redaa I see. Maybe you have 5 minutes to talk about Jesus Christ Haskell? :D
Sep 13, 2014 09:15
    generateUnits g = g & gameMap . traverse . filtered (\field -> isJust $ field ^? city) %~ generateUnit
    generateUnit field = case field ^. unit of
        Just (Unit value owner) -> field & unit .~ Just (Unit (value + 5) owner)
        Nothing -> field & unit .~ Just (Unit 5 cityOwner)
            cityOwner = fromJust $ field ^? city . traverse . conqueror . traverse
Sep 10, 2014 16:57
@BartekBanachewicz that's not nullary, pretty sure you used it wrong..
Sep 3, 2014 01:10
BTW This is a nice list (Package release details)
May 22, 2014 19:44
@BartekBanachewicz You mean this?
May 22, 2014 14:28
It is a successful room