iOS Developer Family (iOS,Android,Flutter,ReactNative-JS,Couchbase)

iOS Developer Family (iOS,Android,Flu

This is iOS developers family. Visit You can be members, write your own blogs, participate and can have support from iOS developers here as well.This is Not rule site. Its more informative for iOS Developers.
1590d ago – Omar Diaa

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Starred posts

Apr 17, 2015 09:45
A: Access Twitter User Timeline using Fabric SDK iOS

iAnumAfter experimenting with Fabric SDK, I was successful in its integration. I came along with some conclusions, and want to share with you guys. 1) When you first time login the twitter successfully, a session of TWTRSession has been created for user. It lasts even after you close the app and reop...

Oct 11, 2018 07:49
lol comment both lines here.. this u have to print in another function that i second method... func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
Sep 11, 2018 10:13
Sep 11, 2018 10:13
bottom button
Sep 11, 2018 10:11
change to 250 low..
Sep 11, 2018 10:11
    TestScrollView.contentSize.height = self.view.frame.size.height
Sep 11, 2018 10:10
Sep 11, 2018 10:09
Sep 11, 2018 10:08
Sep 7, 2018 11:56
Sep 7, 2018 11:42
create a separate class as mentioned above .. and where ever its needed create a object like .. let mgr = DataManager() nd use it
Sep 7, 2018 11:34
Aug 22, 2018 06:41
Jul 23, 2018 12:24
private func setupOutgoingBubble() -> JSQMessagesBubbleImage {
  let bubbleImageFactory = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory()
  return bubbleImageFactory!.outgoingMessagesBubbleImage(with: UIColor.jsq_messageBubbleBlue())

private func setupIncomingBubble() -> JSQMessagesBubbleImage {
  let bubbleImageFactory = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory()
  return bubbleImageFactory!.incomingMessagesBubbleImage(with: UIColor.jsq_messageBubbleLightGray())
Jul 23, 2018 12:16
What stage are you in now>
Apr 18, 2018 13:24
Download image using SDWebImage method (don't show) once downloaded save this image with its url key and also show on imageView. Before performing downloading request check for this url if images is not stored already in SDImageCache.shared().store(image!, forKey: url, completion: nil) if stored don't download just show from here if not stored then download and stored. Thats all you have to do.
Apr 18, 2018 13:08
Change Double? to Double
Apr 18, 2018 13:07
It should be func decimalNumber() -> Double
Apr 18, 2018 12:26
this one is helped me

Go to project setting -> build setting -> other linker flag, and remove all flags that have -lpod or frameworks or related to pods. Don't remove the required flags (e.g. -ObjC, -licucore, -libxml2)
Add a flag $(inherited) at the top.
Apr 5, 2018 13:11
Q: Move view with keyboard using Swift

AlexCatchI have an app that has a text field on the lower half of the view. This means that when I go to type in the text field the keyboard covers the textfield. How would I go about moving the view upwards while typing so I can see what i'm typing and then moving it back down to its original place when...

Apr 22, 2014 09:41
Please use for long lines of code
Mar 28, 2018 05:24
Let array = { $0.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
Var rangeArray : [Range] = []
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: desc.html2String)
for searchString in array
let swiftRange = desc.html2String.range(of: searchString)!
let nsRange = NSRange(swiftRange, in: desc.html2String)
attributedString.addAttribute(.backgroundColor, value: UIColor.yellow, range:nsRange)
attributedString.addAttribute(.font, value: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Bold", size: 17)!, range:nsRange)
Oct 23, 2013 13:10
Start learning to recognise common code smells and it will eventually make your own code much better.
Oct 8, 2017 18:39
Better syntax is to omit the type declaration and infer it from the type of the value it is being set to: let navBar = UINavigationBar(...
Jun 26, 2013 09:11
Aug 28, 2017 11:21
It doesn't look like it supports custom images, just what is available in the font.
Aug 24, 2017 11:22
@ShobhakarTiwari well reachability is not really that great. If you connect to one of those public WiFis but you don't log in, enter password (or something third needed to get an actual connection) it will tell you that you're connected to the Internet which is not true :)
Aug 24, 2017 11:09
@ShobhakarTiwari No it means you should execute your http request and then handle the error after you get it. You don't need to visit any other address but the one you really want to
May 1, 2013 05:35
SO if u find any one continueing masti and chats without attending Questions we will take actions on them
Aug 2, 2017 10:29
i think i said wrongly by mistake
Jul 17, 2017 04:33
Copy paste this in playground and execute it ..
Feb 7, 2013 05:24
user image
Jun 28, 2017 11:34
@PayalManiyar answer by David H
Jun 28, 2017 10:17
@PayalManiyar.. Thanks for your help. But this code will give only the wifi ip address. I found a better solution in the below link.
Jun 26, 2017 05:06
Here are people help when they get time, Everyone has own work. so never complain like this.
Jun 16, 2017 06:23
May 15, 2017 17:35
Keep learning
May 7, 2017 19:10
i can solve ur issue
Sep 27, 2012 19:28
room topic changed to iOS Developer Family: This is iOS developers family. Visit You can be members, write your own blogs, participate and can have support from iOS developers here as well. This is not rules site. Its more informative for iOS Developers. [ios] [ipad] [iphone] [objective-c] [xcode]
Aug 31, 2012 11:02
Q: File size limit for SQLite on 32bit system

Piotr CzaplaI'm using sqlite as temporary storage to calculate statistic about moderately large data set. I'm wondering what will happen if my database exceed 2GB on 32 bit system. (I can't currently change the system to 64 bit) Does it use memory mapped files and break if size of file exceed addressable me...

Aug 31, 2012 09:04
u will get array of ur parsed data and remaining work doing be looping according to response
Aug 31, 2012 09:02
NSError *err = nil;
NSJSONSerialization *jsonParser = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:self.downoadData options:0 error:&err];
NSMutableArray *dataArray = (NSMutableArray *)jsonParser;}