Conversation started Feb 20, 2013 at 16:51.
Feb 20, 2013 16:51
@MartijnPieters I'm for the there are too many questions and too many people and we should just get drunk
(and then play pass the shuriken!)
That is totally becoming the channel meme.
goes to get the whiskey and shuriken.
exactly - I'll get some beers and nibbles.... It's party time!
It's all fun and games until someone passes the whiskey and swallows the shuriken.
What could possibly go wrong?
@MartijnPieters we might run out of whiskey
Feb 20, 2013 16:58
We might run out of fingers too.
No, there's more at the bottom of the shuriken drawer.
I think, at least. Reach in there.
Who needs fingers.... voice recognition is so good today, it's quite easy to dictate code :)
@MartijnPieters and.. we could lose all the shurikens, that would be bad!
@InbarRose I just liked Daniel's last sentence :)
Feb 20, 2013 17:09
@InbarRose Not if you do your best to catch them!
We'll play it indoors, shall we?
Well - we'll start off with just one - then when everyone's got the hang of it, we'll introduce more, and see what kind of pattern we can get going...
And once we get good at that, we try it again. Eyes closed, this time.
Funny, I hadn't picked Pythonistas as particularly sadomasochistic, really.
I guess it's the addition of getting drunk that does it for us..
Let's make it interesting - every time you drop a shuriken, you lose a life, and after 5 lifes are gone, you've got to commit Seppuku
I'll set up the shot glass chess set as well - that's normally good for a laugh
Feb 20, 2013 17:27
Given the theme, I guess it'll have to be Yamazaki or Yoichi.
We should also film it, and see if we can't make a few quid on youtube to pay for the drinks and snacks
If you are going to get drunk, do it in style.
Just a fun night. Shot glass chess, maybe some movie trivia, ritual suicide...
@SeanO'Hollaren exactly - what better way to spend time - welcome to hardcore programming ;)
Feb 20, 2013 17:33
@MartijnPieters Cool.... I love the fact they've had to put "contents not included" for the glass :)
@JonClements: So, how much dough could a YouTube vid net us? Enough for a few cases of Yamazaki + those snacks + a decent set of Shuriken + a watered steel Katana (plus decent whetstones, of course, don't want to commit Seppuku with a dull blade, now, do we?)?
Oh, perhaps enough for a Masamune blade.. that would be awesome.
Well, we could do a parody of Gangnam Style called Python Style and hope it goes viral - then we could rent a place in Japan and fly the channel there for the event...
The event. Ominous.
Oh came on - it's hardly Battle Royale - we'd leave that until after dessert
IMHO: we need to play
Awesome game for programmers, a game that is almost impossible to program :)
Feb 20, 2013 17:39
Oh, that looks interesting..
Need to get my son interested in that one.
Mind you - the fella's had to cough up a fair bit of prize money ;)
Ooo, there's an online client - who's up for a game LOL
Feb 20, 2013 18:12
Is it just me, or is this question too vague to comprehend?
Q: How to add all catalog using GIT witout .pyc file?

MediopolisHow to add all catalog using GIT witout .pyc file? git add catalog_name git commit -m "Update" git push What add and where?

Ah, someone seems to have parsed the question, there is a plausible answer now.
Wow, that was impressive.
Yeah. That's pretty much what I would have guessed as well ... I'm still not sure if the answerer guessed correctly ... I'd need to brush up on my git a little.
The answer is correct if the OP was wondering about ignoring .pyc files.
presumably catalog is a mistranslation, and a directory was meant instead?
Ahh - that looks like something that could go wrong :(
Is the directory already in a git repository though? Does it make a difference if the directory isn't in a git repo and you want to turn it into one?
(That's where I wasn't sure about the question, or the answer).
Feb 20, 2013 18:31
Today is not my day.
There's a Martijn day?
Umm, that's not fair - there should be a Jon Day as well then
Can I have a Matt day?
If you win pass the shuriken, then yes - we'll let you have a Matt day ;)
What are the conditions for winning?
Having most of your blood still in your body?
Feb 20, 2013 18:45
That or retaining the most bodily appendages I guess
Fair enough.
Conversation ended Feb 20, 2013 at 18:48.