class product{ // Model class //product details attributes public string PhotoContentType { get; set; } public byte[] Photo { get; set; } } class ProductAdd{ public IEnumerable PhotoUpload { get; set; } } public ProductBase ProductAdd(ProductAdd newItem) // manager class { // Attempt to add the new item // Notice how we map the incoming data to the design model object var addedItem = ds.Products.Add(Mapper.Map(newItem));var length = 0; foreach(var temp in newItem.PhotoUpload) { length++; } byte[] photoBytes = new byte[length]; foreach (var temp in newItem.PhotoUpload) temp.InputStream.Read(photoBytes, 0, temp.ContentLength); // newItem.PhotoUpload.InputStream.Read(photoBytes, 0, temp); // // Then, configure the new object's properties addedItem.Photo = photoBytes; // addedItem.PhotoContentType = newItem.PhotoUpload.ContentType; ds.SaveChanges(); // If successful, return the added item, mapped to a view model object return (addedItem == null) ? null : Mapper.Map(addedItem); }