:53807519 will dbus work if I want to start my thing as a service from systemd ? I did post somewhere the entire code ... where;s the latest just before I gave up on pyobex: #!/usr/bin/python import bluetooth from PyOBEX.client import Client import sys import os.path import sys import signal from datetime import datetime #import time #time.sleep(100) def cleanup(signum, stack): print("Failed : ") for y in failed: print(y) print("Succeded : ") for x in done: print(x) sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cleanup) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cleanup) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, cleanup) #done = {'D4:11:A3:D8:2E:3C':True} done = {} failed = {} file_name = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(file_name): sys.exit("File not fount") now = datetime.now() print("start datetime =", now) while True: nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True) for addr, name in nearby_devices: #print(" {} - {}".format(addr, name)) if addr in done: #print("Skipping {}".format(addr)) continue services = bluetooth.find_service(address = addr, name = 'OBEX Object Push' ) if len(services) == 0: print("{} does not provode OBEX Object Push".format(addr)) continue name = services[0]["name"] host = services[0]["host"] print("Connecting to {} on {}".format(name, host)) client = Client(services[0]["host"],services[0]["port"]) try: client.connect() #client.put('test.txt', 'HelloWorld!') with open(file_name,'rb') as f: data = f.read() if client.put(file_name,data): done[services[0]["host"]] = True else: failed[services[0]["host"]] = True client.disconnect() except Exception as e: print('A FATAL ERROR OCCURRED:', e) The idea is to attept sending a file to all obex push capable devices ... and keep on trying on those that do not accept or move temorarely out of range.