using UnityEngine; public class AspectUtility : MonoBehaviour { public float _wantedAspectRatio = 1.777778f; public bool landscapeModeOnly = true; static public bool _landscapeModeOnly = true; static float wantedAspectRatio; static Camera cam; static Camera backgroundCam; void Awake () { _landscapeModeOnly = landscapeModeOnly; cam = camera; if (!cam) { cam = Camera.main; //Debug.Log ("Setting the main camera " +; } else { //Debug.Log ("Setting the main camera " +; } if (!cam) { //Debug.LogError ("No camera available"); return; } wantedAspectRatio = _wantedAspectRatio; SetCamera(); } public static void SetCamera () { float currentAspectRatio = 0.0f; if(Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft) { //Debug.Log ("Landscape detected..."); currentAspectRatio = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height; } else { //Debug.Log ("Portrait detected...?"); if(Screen.height > Screen.width && _landscapeModeOnly) { currentAspectRatio = (float)Screen.height / Screen.width; } else { currentAspectRatio = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height; } } // If the current aspect ratio is already approximately equal to the desired aspect ratio, // use a full-screen Rect (in case it was set to something else previously) //Debug.Log ("currentAspectRatio = " + currentAspectRatio + ", wantedAspectRatio = " + wantedAspectRatio); if ((int)(currentAspectRatio * 100) / 100.0f == (int)(wantedAspectRatio * 100) / 100.0f) { cam.rect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (backgroundCam) { Destroy(backgroundCam.gameObject); } return; } // Pillarbox if (currentAspectRatio > wantedAspectRatio) { float inset = 1.0f - wantedAspectRatio/currentAspectRatio; cam.rect = new Rect(inset/2, 0.0f, 1.0f-inset, 1.0f); } // Letterbox else { float inset = 1.0f - currentAspectRatio/wantedAspectRatio; cam.rect = new Rect(0.0f, inset/2, 1.0f, 1.0f-inset); } if (!backgroundCam) { // Make a new camera behind the normal camera which displays black; otherwise the unused space is undefined backgroundCam = new GameObject("BackgroundCam", typeof(Camera)).camera; backgroundCam.depth = int.MinValue; backgroundCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; backgroundCam.backgroundColor =; backgroundCam.cullingMask = 0; } } public static int screenHeight { get { return (int)(Screen.height * cam.rect.height); } } public static int screenWidth { get { return (int)(Screen.width * cam.rect.width); } } public static int xOffset { get { return (int)(Screen.width * cam.rect.x); } } public static int yOffset { get { return (int)(Screen.height * cam.rect.y); } } public static Rect screenRect { get { return new Rect(cam.rect.x * Screen.width, cam.rect.y * Screen.height, cam.rect.width * Screen.width, cam.rect.height * Screen.height); } } public static Vector3 mousePosition { get { Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; mousePos.y -= (int)(cam.rect.y * Screen.height); mousePos.x -= (int)(cam.rect.x * Screen.width); return mousePos; } } public static Vector2 guiMousePosition { get { Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; mousePos.y = Mathf.Clamp(mousePos.y, cam.rect.y * Screen.height, cam.rect.y * Screen.height + cam.rect.height * Screen.height); mousePos.x = Mathf.Clamp(mousePos.x, cam.rect.x * Screen.width, cam.rect.x * Screen.width + cam.rect.width * Screen.width); return mousePos; } } }