DESCRIPTION: forEach is run only ONCE - cause there is ONE item in an array (object). IF is run >>>ONE<<< time, cause there are 4 object properties in array item but they are 'reduced' INSIDE IF. We did NOT put(pass) initialValue so the accumulator (previousValue) is set as the first (val1) property of the object (item inside array), and the currentDataValue is set as the second (val2) property of the object. reduce give us >>>THREE<<< iterations for array [look at 2@2] - so return gives us back: 1) (val1 || val2) --- where there is no val1 so it is mean to be FALSE, there is val2 (inside string-str) so it will give us TRUE (as a val2 index inside str string) --- IF CAN'T run if it has 2 false, but it will run if there is true inside it (IF somehow "prefer" true then false), so it get "hey everything is ok you can continue" and takes true (this is interesting, IF "choose" a walue here [???]) false || true = true 2) [regarding 2@2] we need to notice, that we do nothing in our reduce() - we dont add val + val2, we dont multiply val1 * val2 - we just return something that reduce() can't write as working on accumulator, so it (reduce()) pass it back (as accumulator) all over again (val1 is used all the time) [???] (val1 || val3) --- where there is no val1 so it is mean to be FALSE, where there is no val3 so it is mean to be FALSE --- IF will not work with false false || false = false 3) (val1 || val4) --- where there is no val1 so it is mean to be FALSE, where there is no val4 so it is mean to be FALSE --- IF will not work with false false || false = false So... IF has inside (false || true = true, false || false = false, false || false = false) and it means (true, false, false) - so if it take TRUE (as it CAN) it will run and brings back: "===> YES string has one of the values inside." I'm looking for confirmation at [???]. Thanks!