> Hello Nikic, > You do point out some very relevant points and I agree with you. Most of his comments on /r/php are not of the quality we strive to achieve. Also the majority of his post could be interrupted as advertisements for his PHPU site or his other projects. > Where as he has not directly broken any rules I can not out right ban him at this time. I have written him a fairly strongly worded PM warning him that his post are borderline advertisements and his comments have not been very constructive as of late. I have further warned him that if that is content and comments do not improve we will take further action. > The /r/php mod team and myself will be watching his actions in the upcoming weeks and will make a judgement call from there. > Thank you very much for your concern and I promise that we are always trying to make /r/php a professional and enjoyable sub! > -Daleeburg