Commands currently mapped: 3v4l - Executes code snippets on and displays the output (3v4l # Eval) > - Executes code snippets on and displays the output (3v4l # Eval) ? - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search) anmol - Get a random dad joke (JeevesDad # DadJoke) at - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # at) caniuse - A quick search tool for CanIUse, a browser comparability feature list for modern standards. (CanIUse # CanIUse) canon - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects (Canonicals # canon) changelog - Displays latest commit for a given repository. (Changelog # Changelog) chuck - Posts a random Chuck Norris joke (ChuckSkeet # Chuck) dad - Get a random dad joke (JeevesDad # DadJoke) dadgreet - Turn the dad greeting on or off (JeevesDad # DadGreet) docs - Searches the PHP manual and displays links with a summary of the result (PHPDocs # Search) en - Translates text to English (Translate # ToEnglish) eval - Executes code snippets on and displays the output (3v4l # Eval) friday - Seein' everything, the time is goin' (Rebecca # Friday) get - Sends HTTP GET request and displays the headers of the response (HttpRequester # GET) giphy - Gets random gifs from Giphy and displays them in oneboxes (Giphy # Random) github - Displays Github status, profile, or repo information (Github # Github) goochle - Trensletes text an ruining your prepositions. (Goochle # Trenslete) google - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search) haskell - Run haskell code. (Haskell # Haskell) head - Sends HTTP HEAD request and displays the headers of the response (HttpRequester # HEAD) imdb - Searches and displays IMDB entries (Imdb # Search) in - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # in) is - Should I write a description or rather not? (Should # Is) lick - Implements the Lickable interface (Lick # Lick) lxr - Retrieves and displays definition search results from (PHPSrcGrok # Def) man - Fetches manual entries from (Man # Search) mdn - Fetches manual entries from the Mozilla Developer Network (Mdn # Search) package - Fetches package information from (Packagist # Search) packagist - Fetches package information from (Packagist # Search) post - Sends HTTP POST request and displays the headers of the response (HttpRequester # POST) questionify - Anything can be a question if you want it to be. (Questionify # questionify) rebecca - Fun, fun, fun, fun (Rebecca # Friday) regex - Evaluates regular expressions with PCRE (Regex # Test) remind - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # reminder) reminder - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # reminder) repin - Repin a chat message indefinitely (RePinner # RePin) rfc - Get the current vote status of a given RFC (RFC.PHP # Votes) rfcs - List RFCs currently in voting, or get the current vote status of a given RFC (RFC.PHP # Search) scrabble - Calculates the Scrabble score for the given input (Scrabble # Scrabble) should - Should I write a description or rather not? (Should # Should) skeet - Posts a random Jon Skeet joke (ChuckSkeet # Skeet) sudo - Makes Jeeves do things with a higher permission level (Sudo # sudo) translate - Translates text to the specified language (Translate # Translate) tweet - Tweets chat messages just like !!tweet only better (WIP) (BetterTweet # BetterTweet) unpin - Cancel a repinned chat message (RePinner # UnPin) urban - Looks up entries from (Urban # Search) wiki - Looks up wikipedia entries and posts onebox links (Wikipedia # Search) will - Should I write a description or rather not? (Should # Is) wotd - Gets the Word Of The Day from (Wotd # Fetch) xkcd - Searches for relevant comics from xkcd and posts them as a onebox (xkcd # Search)