protected $exceptions = array( E_NOTICE => array( '/Content-type not specified assuming/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/Unknown file type \\(\d+\\)/' => 'StatException', ), E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => array( '/Max memory must be >= 0/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/No URL resource specified/' => 'StreamWrapperException', ), E_WARNING => array( '/accept failed/' => 'IOException', '/called with wrong .* parameters/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/Cannot construct User-agent header/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/Cannot rename a file across wrapper/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/Can\'t truncate this stream/' => 'IOException', '/copy\(\) function cannot be a directory/' => 'InvalidFileNameException', '/Could not invalidate filter/' => 'IOException', '/does not allow unlinking/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/Error (Deleting|Renaming) file/' => 'IOException', '/Error traversing form data array/' => 'RuntimeException', '/Exclusive locks/' => 'InvalidLockException', '/failed to call user notifier/' => 'LogicException', '/failed to create socket/' => 'IOException', '/Failed to seek to position/' => 'IOException', '/Failed to write \d+ bytes/' => 'WriteFailureException', '/exceeds the maximum allowed length/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/expected to be (array|object)/i' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/Failed allocating \d+ bytes/' => 'OutOfMemoryException', '/flag is not supported/' => 'DomainException', '/FTP server error/' => 'IOException', '/Invalid path provided/' => 'InvalidPathException', '/Invalid php:\\/\\/ URL specified/' => 'InvalidFileNameException', '/Invalid .* parameter/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/Invalid URL component identifier/' => 'DomainException', '/Invalid resource/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/is not a valid stream resource/' => 'InvalidStreamException', '/may not be negative/' => 'RangeException', '/must be a(single)? character/' => 'DomainException', '/must be greater than/' => 'RangeException', '/must be >/' => 'RangeException', '/No stream arrays were passed/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/Only \d+ of \d+ bytes written/' => 'PartialWriteException', '/options should have the form/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/Redirection limit reached/' => 'IOException', '/should be (string|integer|array|resource|object)/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/stat failed for/' => 'StatException', '/stream filter \\(.*\\)/' => 'StreamFilterException', '/(U|u)nable to connect to/' => 'IOException', '/Unable to create file/' => 'IOException', '/Unable to create filter/' => 'IOException', '/Unable to find (g|u)id for/' => 'StatException', '/Unable to flush filter/' => 'IOException', '/Unable to load .*\.dll/' => 'LogicException', '/Unable to locate stream wrapper/' => 'StreamWrapperException', 'unable to select' => 'IOException', '/URL file-access is disabled/' => 'URLFileAccessDisabledException', '/Utime failed:/' => 'IOException', '/When enabling encryption you must specify/' => 'InvalidArgumentException', '/wrapper does not support/' => 'StreamWrapperException', '/valid network address/' => 'InvalidNetworkAddressException', ), );