a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first
Staging Ground Discussion/Support
This room is for discussing the Staging Ground, getting help with questions within the Staging Ground, or seeking guidance on reviewing there.
Sometimes we even talk about Android. Please read the rules (http://room-15.github.io/). Remember that this is a chat room, not a helpdesk.
friendly bin
To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don't want to offend people, use this bin.
2d ago – Abdul Aziz Barkat
♦ SOBotics Workshop
A place to test new bots that will eventually graduate to the SOBotics main room. Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: https://sobotics.org/team
FastAPI Video Call Service
Possible video call service integration with FastAPI which is reliable and cost effective
2d ago – Avin Mathew
Meta Stack Overflow Comment Archive W…
Workshop and Talk room for https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/197298/meta-stack-overflow-comment-archive
2d ago – Makyen
♦ GMTs
General chat. Please read the FAQ for the rules or if you want write access or room ownership http://davidarenburg.github.io/GMTs/
♦ 4b0's room
To make SO clean, it's only a small step !! 1. 🚩 ! = 🏳️ (autoflag vs out of flag). 2. Not every comments posted here worthy to flag. 3. Due to the daily flag limit (100 flag per day), I escape several comments which falls under NLN. 4. Use your best judgment before flag a comment as NLN.
4d ago – sloshy
Google Apps Script chat community
For discussion about anything related to apps script or it's meta. Pending requests here: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5B%2A-pls%5D&Room=217630&page=1&pagesize=50&sort=stars
4d ago – sloshy
4d ago – 1.21 gigawatts
A room to discuss policy for the Python room, and air grievances related to room administration.
Bad Stack Overflow Reviews
Room to discuss and report incorrect Stack Overflow reviews. Avoid one-boxing please.