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@LuisMendo haha... I was overthinking that one ;)
@Adriaan I wouldn't mind if you did :-P
More seriously, there have recently been some voices on Meta proposing to remove the accept feature. Personally, unless it is actually removed or it becomes an official policy not to accept answers, my opinion is to continue accepting
@Suever Oh, I quit reading that challenge because I thoght the output had to included those inconvenient ` |` etc. Now I see it doesn't.
And is that stab of yours MATLy, MATLABy or otherwise?
Oh, I just saw :-)
Still working it down
I like it when parentheses "match" :-P
> w(tg)c!
I have a way that I think I can drastically reduce the length
we shall see
@LuisMendo there you go, have even more rep :P
@Adriaan \o/ Almost 40k now!
@LuisMendo you already display as 40k
@Adriaan Convenient rounding :-P
I love the rounding
what rounding? Still a perfect display of integers for me :P
You need more challenges like that :-)
Or dive head-first into answering!
@Adriaan You should learn MATL
Someone was going to town on the online interpreter today
muh, I'd rather have SO rep :P
do want those deletion privileges
PPCG rep is super easy rep though
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 hours ago, by Conor O'Brien
@DJMcMayhem yeah, was using that, thanks :)
@Suever jup. Posted one challenge, got it completely reworked on meta without doing a thing, farmed 30 upvotes :p
I love how "heavy use" is ~3% CPU
@Suever what happens if we go try that shutdown challenge on your server? :D
Won't work!
Today I had the completely insane idea to write a MATL->Python compiler
It would be fine for most things but all the specialized stuff would be awful
@Suever Well, MATL could use a little speedup :-P
@Suever Yeah. It would be a headache to write
I was actually doing some profiling on MATL today @LuisMendo and have a few ideas for some optimizations
Mainly in the parser and compiler
On my machine at least it seems that the parse + compile process takes ~.5 seconds
@Suever To optimize speed? Yes, I actually never gave that a thought. There surely is a lot of room for improvement
My computer has also been super slow
Yea definitely, correctness > speed
switch to python
Numpy would have a lot of the functionality
And matplotlib for graphics
it would
On the other hand, speed is no use in code golfing. Not sure it's worth the effort @Suever
but python isn't really faster than matlab
it just lacks the overall memory monstrosity that is MATLAB itself
@AndrasDeak Go tell that in the Py room :-P
But it would allow my web app to not have to call out to external processes
Python->Octave is by far the worst part of it
implementing MATL in python sounds kinky
but sounds like fun:)
Sounds like a ton of work and corner cases
The annoying thing would be checking that the output is consistent with MATLAB
hell, Octave is supposed to be the same and we all know how that is
Octave already is a nightmare
and subtleties such as implicit broadcasting (and memory mapping altogether) working the other way around
You'd basically have to write a wrapper for everything
Someone mentioned there's a sort of compiler from Octave to Javascript
but then you could have indexing magic:P
Yea emscripten
I looked into it a little bit because that would be awesome
but it's pretty janky
Anyway, do you think speed is that important?
For code golf I mean
Nope not at all
but I think that some of the parser/compiler stuff could be simple optimizations that would be a pretty decent speedup
The compiled code wouldn't change
There are probably simple things that can be done to speed those up, yes
yea so that was the thought, just to improve those parts to make the site more responsive
BTW do you think the current MATL compiler/interpreter should be called "compiler" or "interpreter"?
I never know what to call it
So this goes back to a page that @TroyHaskin Linked to the other day when I was asking about JIT stuff
Jan 20 at 17:42, by TroyHaskin
A: Understanding the differences: traditional interpreter, JIT compiler, JIT interpreter and AOT compiler

Jörg W MittagOverview An interpreter for language X is a program (or a machine, or just some kind of mechanism in general) that executes any program p written in language X such that it performs the effects and evaluates the results as prescribed by the specification of X. CPUs are usually interpreters for t...

Based on that I believe it's actually a compiler that compiles MATLAB code that is then interpreted by MATLAB
Can someone suggest me a good sql/database book?
@Suever Thanks! That sort of explanation was exactly what I was looking for
@utdev I hardly know what a database is, sorry :-P
@utdev This isn't a database room so we don't really know.
What are you hoping to learn though?
The basics?
@utdev I suggest you are a good sql/database book.
@LuisMendo but things you learn while optimizing help future endeavors :)
@excaza Very true :-)
@Suever that would make it like python, which is first compiled to bytecode, then it gets interpreted
it's just higher-level
@utdev So globally it's probably an interpreter. This is confusing
Well maybe it's both
I have no clue haha
I just know that it shits out MATLAB code
python is generally considered interpreted, so is MATLAB that runs MATL, so I'd call MATL interpreted
@Suever he's in the PHP room now :P
anyhow, bedtime now. Good night cuties.
sayonara, Adriaan-chan
Don't moan about the Cherenkov-radiation for too long András, the missus doesn't like it when you do!
@Suever :-D
G'night, @Adriaan
@beaker Octave has the flag you were thinking of gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/…
sparse(..., 'unique')
okay, that's where i got it from ;)
how on earth does p1 = plot(1:3,[y1,y2,y3],1:2,y4,1:3,[y5,y6,y7,y8,y9]) even work
> plot(X1,Y1,...,Xn,Yn) plots multiple X, Y pairs using the same axes for all lines.
although 1:3,[y5,y6,y7,y8,y9] does look suspect
the last pair doesn't look very promising
unless two of them are null
I'm also pretty sure patch objects can't have legend entries
maybe their version has been patched
you're fired
oh just kidding they can
I'm thinking annotations
I wish MATLAB would be smarter about concatenating row and column vectors together
or a column vector and a scalar
the intent is pretty obvious...
or the user is stupid:D
also possible
But A = [1;2]; B = 3; C = [A B]; errors out
like, come on MATLAB
sure it does:P
A(end+1)=B if you insist on it being automatic;)
I hate you
> Asks for MCVE
> Guy gives graph
:D gotta love those
Of course... it doesn't know if you want
`[1 3]`
`[2 0]`
Although I'm fully in favor of syntax for that :D
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