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5:16 AM
Ahoy hoy
@SomeKittensUx2666 Meow
No offense, but I couldn't get 35% of what you explained. What and how should I do then? — user2197736 6 mins ago
....this guy is that guy
@SomeKittensUx2666 Bad student or bad teacher.... or both!
Is it just me, or did my rep just drop 100 points? … I didn't spam...
5:18 AM
check your rep history
Nothing but positive.
But I'm sure I lost 100 rep.
@bjb568 I stole it. And I do it again.
@monners Hey! That was my shiny rep. MINE
Yeah, was.
5:20 AM
Well, just randomly got accepted
and randomly upvoted!
I especially like the fact that in the U.S. black cats are unlucky, and in Aus/UK they're good luck.
I had a one-eyed black cat when I lived in the states
@monners That's like being gay in Texas!
5:23 AM
did it have an eye-patch
That would be a cool cat.
The day he arrived
.mycol {

.myrow {

.mygrid {
this works well, but how do I add a colspan?
How about table?
Yeah. If you need a table, use a table.
5:26 AM
like, use an HTML table instead of CSS
If it's tabular data, yeah. If it's not, kill yourself don't.
you were almost too late with the edit
lol, why? Were you gonna flag it?
So offensive.
Like totally.
was about to kill myself
5:28 AM
Oh. That too.
I was looking for a reason for weeks
What better reason than that?
it's a layout of a UI plus data
Fine. Use a table.
mostly UI controls for now
5:29 AM
So use a table for the data and semantic HTML for the other elements
googles semantic HTML
Googles google.
Nothing screams this page was laid out by a backend guy more than tables used for everything and a creation date of 2013.
Yup. :P
Just like all of SE.
I was just happy to have found something that works well
5:30 AM
resists the urge to make a penis joke
@SomeGuy What was that book I'm trading you for Starship Troopers? I'm almost done with the rama series.
ooh, good stuff.
movie was enough for me
@Mosho the movie's good, but the book's actually serious and amazing.
it's a TODO
I'm finishing up on the foundation series atm
@Mosho Foundation series of tutorials?
5:34 AM
Foundation by Asimov?
lol, I was way off :P
oh, you were serious?
yeah, will read that right after I read ng-book front to back
aka never
Morning :)
@Benjamin Hi.
5:37 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Relativity!
Have a great week everyone
Is it Monday for you already?
@monners internet standard time, it's morning when you join
5:38 AM
@SomeKittens weeks start on Sundays here and end on Thursdays
Something something Jews like feeling special :p
He eats lasagna
True story
Well, off to my base, will have time later on hopefully - good day
@BenjaminGruenbaum Such a tease
!!afk army
@Phoenix dude, your space bar is broken.
Also, good morning.
@JanDvorak Dude, a bird landed on your face!
@monners if you mean the owl mask, its feet are on my shoulders.
@JanDvorak Does that mean its ass in in your face?
6:19 AM
@monners No. I am its ass.
anyone familiar with google maps libraries? how can i query a database for markers that are placed from users? i mean how you get the markers in a radius of x,y ?
@JanDvorak Mind. Blown.
@Simon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> angular.isNumber(NaN)
!!> typeof NaN
6:32 AM
@JanDvorak "number"
The only number that isn't a number is also the only value that isn't the same as itself.
!!> [typeof NaN, NaN==NaN]
@JanDvorak ["number",false]
!!> NaN===NaN
@Mosho false
6:35 AM
yeah, naturally if == is false derp
@Phoenix, pretty sure you have to do that yourself, I'm not aware of any services they provide
can use !isNaN
@Phoenix, if it's client side, loop through you collection and check if the marker coords are within the area you want to look at. Would be slow for large collections though. Much quicker in a db query if you've got heaps of markers
@Simon actually i found what i was looking for developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch_v3?hl=es
is there a good reason for JSLint harassing me about not declaring functions in a loop
6:44 AM
@Mosho it's slow?
@Mosho they are prone to overwriting closed over variables
I have disabled that warning
also, it's slow.
inconsequential in this case, but noted
                var cspan, i = 0;
                while (i < nodes.length) {
                    cspan = Number(nodes[i].CSpan) || 1;
                    _.times(cspan - 1, function () { nodes.splice(i, 0, {}); });
                    i += cspan;
I had a question
but I forgot
lol, var cspan
6:47 AM
what's wrong with it
@Mosho Do you know what CSPAN is?
!!wiki cspan
!!tell Mosho google cspan
C-SPAN (), an acronym for Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, is a private, nonprofit American cable television network, created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a public service that televises many proceedings of the federal government, as well as other public affairs programming. The C-SPAN network includes three television channels (C-SPAN, C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3), one radio station and a group of websites that provide streaming media and archives of C-SPAN programs. C-SPAN's television channels are available to approximately 100 million cable and satellite households with...
now that you mention it, I vaguely remember the name
6:50 AM
@Mosho how old are you?
Me too!
async:true - no need to specify that. Also, it causes unnecessary shivers in people who know that async:false is bad. — Jan Dvorak 10 secs ago
@JanDvorak So... <script async></script> ?
@monners o/*
6:51 AM
@monners as a jQuery.ajax option
but I was more interested in what's wrong with _.times
I just found it, thought it was neat
@Mosho looks like laziness to me :-)
I got the impression we don't want any lame for loops in JS
I guess I could use apply here
are you using underscore for anything else, too? :-)
I use it tons :(
6:54 AM
in which case, go ahead
I liked the fact it reverts to ES if it has the option
should I not use it?
Definitely use it
It's super useful.
Just use it if you're going to use it
I'd keep it, but I wouldn't fetch underscore just for _.times. Or at least I think I wouldn't.
oh, well, I use it everywhere
getting a lot of heat from JSLint for that :P
@Mosho yeah... plain for should be faster than functional loops :-)
6:56 AM
@Mosho if its one or 2-3 functions , why not just copy/paste the functions from underscore source .. -1 dependency
if anything, I added stuff to it :P
Yes, code would be able to do this pretty easily. — RUJordan 28 secs ago
right, so instead of times
                var cspan, i = 0,
                while (i < nodes.length) {
                    cspan = +nodes[i].CSpan || 1;
                    [].splice.apply(nodes, [i, 0].concat(new Array(cspan).join('0').split('')]))
                    i += cspan;
I made a huge mistake? :P
too easy
for the first time I was proud of an answer today
and not a single upvote
7:12 AM
@Mosho Welcome to SO
oh wow, that mess with the apply is working the first try
@Mosho protip: try this is not a good answer, even if it's with code.
You should explain all your answers -- even if it seems trivial.
I tried to come up with some text but couldn't without it being bullshit
A lot of your answers aren't explained actually
I'm aware
but for that one, what could I say?
7:16 AM
I'm not going to, that would be a dick move, but I personally downvote almost every answer that isn't explained.
Just describe what the code is doing like a mini-algorithm
but it's self-explanatory
To you maybe, not to every googler that finds it
I don't even know why I answered this question.. stackoverflow.com/questions/22741252/…
@bobef Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan It aint a question.
@RUJordan rep whore?
7:24 AM
Yeah, but I know what he's trying to do. Felt nice, thought I'd help him out
@Mosho naw, I know what it's like to start learning and be overwhelmed by even tutorials. Every now and then I just answer bad questions instead of being sarcastic lol
@ArthurSpirke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan Noise. NOISE!!! Bad bad bad.
@bjb568 What?
@RUJordan The question is noise. Your answer is noise. (bad bad bad)
I don't think you understand what the word noise means?
7:28 AM
noise |noiz| noun
1 a sound, esp. one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance:
2 irregular fluctuations that accompany a transmitted electrical signal but are not part of it and tend to obscure it.
verb (usu. be noised about)
talk about or make known publicly:
I think unwanted posts fit both.
@bjb568 well, just because a question is bad it doesn't mean the answer is bad.
Because a question is bad, an answer is inappropriate.
On what grounds?
@RUJordan I think noobs shouldn't be treated with silk gloves. If you can't learn on your own, tough. and you learn to learn on your own by not having people to answer every dumb question. sarcasm helps
@Mosho well like I said, I don't normally answer questions like this will basically a silver platter.
I felt generous.
7:32 AM
btw, I updated my answer
and now I'm regretting helping this guy stackoverflow.com/questions/22741447/…
new question.. my code.
case in point :D
aww well. now i get to be a dick :D
now go look at my answer and tell me whether it's up to your standards
Now that's a good answer.
7:35 AM
Q: Should I give short answers or comments?

k102Imagine that the question is simple enough to answer with one sentence (or one line of code) and it's not really useful for the community - only for the OP asking. What should I do? Leave a comment, or make it an answer?

I actually am a rep whore
!!s/rep //
@phenomnomnominal I actually am a whore (source)
@Caprica No need to be disgusting…
7:44 AM
@monners Flatland - Edwin Abott Abott
@SomeGuy Buying on amazon now.
@Lucaz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is there anyone around? Can I ask you a question? Are you not free and uninterested in my problem that I haven't explained yet because I don't have one?
7:56 AM
!!welcome bjb568
@bjb568 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
7:57 AM
1 (=) is 1 inch?
@phenomnomnominal I'm 13 and what does that mean?
apparently @phenomnomnominal dick is 4 inches
@Connor I wish
@JanDvorak It's a elephant smiley
oh, thanks
@JanDvorak Go show your mother what you learnt on the internet
8:00 AM
Mommy… look at this!
Time to ready my flags, I guess ;-)
> > Mum look, it's an elephant smiley, can i give you one?
It's a good smiley too, because it's one of the only smiley's that is easily expanded to be larger and harder
right time to code, just a bunch of freaks right here
And that's my cue.
LOL night guys
8:02 AM
@RUJordan seen the smiley, now cant resist it anymore
Have a fun night
@AnirudhanJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
seems like it
8:20 AM
Anyone from poland here?
9:02 AM
@Maaz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@t1wc Ahoy hoy
jeez if I slept...
9:17 AM
Sleep is for the weak
and the hour changed aswell... so it looks like I've slept for 1 hour more...
@monners exactly
10:16 AM
Anyone know a good way to determine a array like value? including array, arguments, nodelists and so on?
@Connor length and slice
returns a sub-array; .slice(0) is the standard way to dup an array
and it seems length is the only way, but object could have length
function isArrayLike(o) {
    if (o &&                                // o is not null, undefined, etc.
        typeof o === "object" &&            // o is an object
        isFinite(o.length) &&               // o.length is a finite number
        o.length >= 0 &&                    // o.length is non-negative
        o.length===Math.floor(o.length) &&  // o.length is an integer
        o.length < 4294967296)              // o.length < 2^32
        return true;                        // Then o is array-like
just found this, but ehhhhh
That'll do
if(a.concat('')&&a.pop()){return true}else{return false}
I guess that's a simpler way
those are methods only arrays have
illegal return statement 0.o
10:29 AM
@t1wc [Arguments, NodeList, HTMLAllCollection] don't have any of those
because they're not arrays
!!>[Arguments, NodeList, HTMLAllCollection].concat('')
@t1wc That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Arguments, NodeList, HTMLAllCollection
10:30 AM
@t1wc "ReferenceError: Arguments is not defined"
!!> Function.arguments.concat
@Connor "TypeError: Function.arguments is null"
!!mdn arguments
!!mdn HTMLAllCollection
!!>(function(){ arguments.concat() })(1, 2)
@Connor "TypeError: arguments.concat is not a function"
1 hour later…
11:48 AM
@friedi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
1:14 PM
user image
@Mosho as a kid ^
> Europe was founded in 1848 by Walker Texas Ranger when he rode a horse across the Atlantic, he called it "Eastern USA" which was eventually abbreviated as just "EU"
@rlemon margaine.com/bluebird navigation eased :P
I hope that looks different for you?
1:32 PM
I should probably go to bed
1:45 PM
@monners no watch this
2:10 PM
I can't believe I watched the whole thing either
Got kind of hypnotic
Q: Write a promise

Peter WoneI have a widget <input type='file' style='display:none' id='foo' /> and some code that opens the dialog like this $("#foo").click(); Now I need to set up some code so it runs after the user makes a selection and closes the dialog. I understand that this is promise pattern but I'm not sure how...

2:37 PM
@JLM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, aliens, format, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat
amazon, ihazbukkit, bewbz, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza, wherearemypants, yourw
@rlemon I awoke on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:00:30 GMT (that's about 1 day ago), got invoked 28 times, learned 134 commands
3:36 PM
@Ankan-Zerob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4:19 PM
svg gets all the cool tricks
4:32 PM
@TroyWadina Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar microsoft's svg is cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum margaine.com/bluebird waiting for your domain :P
@FlorianMargaine BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: army
hes gone for like 10 days :(
yeah I know, I just pinged him so that he sees it when he comes back
I'm kinda proud of the website
small, not a lots of css, yet beautiful
and actually useful :P
I'm not sure he's gone yet though
If you're looking for a functional interface for coding events - check out FRP, and mainly BaconJS, it builds all the things you want on top of jQuery and it's pretty nifty, I'm a promise proponent but I believe it provides more solid abstractions than just a promise for functional UI coding. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 hours ago
4:39 PM
@Loktar I'm here, done for today :P
ah nice
Not home, but on my laptop
@BenjaminGruenbaum is the site eye-candy enough?
Library is called bluebird, side should feature a blue bird and have a blue theme :P
yeah thought that too, then I remembered that I suck at gimp, so I gave up
4:41 PM
Which is why I didn't make the website, I tried and failed :P
I can give it some blue
Couldn't draw a blue bird for my life :D
posted on March 30, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Starpocalypse will be at the Big Easy film festival! If you're in Ne

@BenjaminGruenbaum tweet every promise you make
if you break it. and mention #brokenPromise, that is how you a get a blue bird for managing promises :3
4:48 PM
alright, it should be a little better now
I don't think the blue bird is necessary
well, until we get a designer at least
5:00 PM
@copy I dyed my hair
@BadgerGirl Which colour is it now?
@Japa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy brown with light highlights
hello everyone...i don't really know if this is the best room to ask this, but i´m gonna try it anyway...i´m trying to understand if i can use the IDE dahscode(where you can use html, css and javascript) and then communicate with a sql server to persist data...dahscode is an apple IDE...i´m a little confused...can anybody explain to me?
5:20 PM
@Mosho bro points to you if you can find what this guy does that makes line 74 or 268 work plnkr.co/edit/aGxuXMiPgYA0TFc67YL4?p=preview
or any other Angular guys?
Ahhhhh wait
I think I got it LOL
I'm thinking the idea is to let Angular load the modules, then sort of copy them over into the main module
1 hour later…
6:32 PM
@genexp Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
6:42 PM
Ooh, Silence of the Lambs is on netflix. Beeeet.
Q: Ember data sending ids as strings when saving belongsTo

TobiasI'm creating a cocktail app with the models "cocktail", "membership", and "ingredient". The cocktail and ingredient models are pretty self explanatory and the membership model is for objects that link a cocktail to an ingredient with amount. App.Cocktail = DS.Model.extend({ name: DS.attr('stri...

7:24 PM
@mrbhill Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
7:51 PM
What stack exchange site would help me solve issues about using a browser?
Thanks Oliver
Q: OSX Scrolling Broken In Chrome

RUJordanFirstly, my environment: Chrome version: Version 33.0.1750.152 Computer: Macbook Air, Mavericks OSX 10.9.2 Using two finger scrolling, I can scroll up and down a page. However, a couple weeks ago an issue began where I can't side scroll a page anymore, nor do the two finger swipe to trigger th...

8:41 PM
Anthony Hopkins is a brilliant actor
8:52 PM
wtf, are you really supposed to pay 7€ per MONTH to get recent skype versions ad-free?
if yes i really hope they never break the last "good" version (the one before the flat ui) ;x
9:07 PM
@RUJordan man... Nice one
9:23 PM
Skype is so lame
@Loktar What do you prefer?
I just started using it at work because they all use it there.. I dont get the appeal over Google Hangouts
FaceTime is better.
@bjb568 for gaming I use Mumble, for anything else Google
9:45 PM
@rlemon I watched the whole thing.

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