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5:42 AM
Hi guys, do you know the answer of my question below?
Q: How to restore the scrambled master clock?

Single FighterI don't know how the master clock, with which other clocks in the world are synchronized, is setup. who decided the mechanism used to setup the master clock when the master clock was setup how to restore the master clock in case all clocks in the world have been scrambled accidentally. Ther...

6:29 AM
good morning sunday
3 hours later…
9:03 AM
Good Morning Moon
2 hours later…
11:09 AM
Hey, I want to serialize an object to byte[], currently I have BinaryFormatter and Serializable but the objects are too big IMO.
Is there anything that produces smaller output?
(I already gzipstream the result, I get 204 bytes which is a lot for something I need to send with a cookie, the object has 3 fields - email, username and PhotoURL)
11:31 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum tried/looked into protobuf?
11:42 AM
No, that's likely the next thing I'll look into
NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.NuGetProtocolException: An error occurred while downloading package 'protobuf-net.2.1.0 : ' from source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/'. ---> NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.NuGetProtocolException: An error occurred while downloading package 'protobuf-net.2.1.0 : ' from source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: 'protobuf-net' already has a dependency defined for 'NETStandard.Library'.
   at NuGet.Manifest.ValidateDependencySets(IPackageMetadata metadata)
Welp, still back to 2.0
wow, protobuf is tiny ^_^ @TomW
12:32 PM
Protobuf is probably the smallest, but it depends on ordering.
If you change your model later and don't set the right ordering, it will deserialize incorrectly.
Take care of that.
1:26 PM
Oh cool
I ended up using protobuf to shrink the data and aes gcm, I convinced the other party I'll write the code on both ends, gcm makes more sense.
Thanks again by the way :)
1:54 PM
No problem :-)
4 hours later…
6:01 PM
what should I use instead of Process.GetProcessesByName("example").FirstOrDefault() ?
because vs doesnt see that anymore
are you missing a reference#?
dont think so
actually im trying to write memory on address that is used by anoter process
that's all I want
How do you intend to do that?
6:17 PM
extern functions from kernel32 dlls
but only because it is the only way I found out
6:43 PM
would it not make sense to just communicate with the process normally?
that kind of behaviour is normally actively prevented by both .Net and the OS
7:02 PM
Q: Deploying to a private IIS server from a VSO build

WarHaving done what is suggested here ... Deploy from Visual Studio Online build to private IIS server ... how do I setup automatic deploys as part of my build when I build a whole branch "**/*.sln"? What I have tried ... I have VS and MSDeploy setup so I can use 1 click deploys directly from VS...

@Dartek12 hm, you could just use memorysharp lib for that
Hello guys
Can anyone please tell me a good source to study account management in MVC
7:16 PM
FirstOrDefault replaces foreach-loop with immediate return in it, if there are no processes found it will return null, hopefully the following code will illustrate that better for you:
public static Process GetFirstProcessByName(string name)
foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName(name))
return process;
return null;
} // Sorry I forgot how to enclose code in here :(
@OmegaExtern I think that's avoiding rather than solving the problem, there's no good reason that LINQ methods wouldn't be available
@Dartek12 I would expect you to need System.Diagnostics and System.Linq for that line of code to work, you have both of those referenced?
I think @Dartek12 didn't reference System.Xml and System.Xml.Linq then, or program runs on lower version of .NET framework, or missed using System.Linq statement on top of the file.
7:46 PM
Ah, does anybody know the code behind Math.Floor function? I have been trying to figure it, but so far no success :(
Hey, guys, where should one usually put the DTO conversion methods when not using a repository?
8:02 PM
+300 Stream Audio File With FluorineFX 15h remaining. Go C# folks.
2 hours later…
9:35 PM
@OmegaExtern you can find the code on github
1 hour later…
10:48 PM
Q: ASP.NET MVC failure to generate database

Mr. NickyI'm new to ASP.NET MVC and was just messing around with it and trying to see how it works. So I decided to make a query to the database accessed with the default ApplicationDbContext. Normally, if the database hadn't been instantiated before that, this query would make sure to first create the da...

Isn't the floor of a floating point number the same as casting it to an int?

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