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4:59 PM
Hello, I applied for a job where I am too collect data from a database. I have information on the API, does anyone have a website where I can get some kind of starting info on JSON?
@MårtenCederholm what do you want to know? JSON is just a way of formatting data, it's not specific to databases or APIs.
I gotten a pdf that tells how the API work
the problem its in swedish :)
hah - can you read Swedish? :-x
Yes of course
I'm a dumb monolingual American
5:09 PM
The problem is I dont know where to start
If I understand correctly you collect information via HTTP requests (which I suck at)
Actually found the instruction in english
3 hours later…
7:47 PM
@MårtenCederholm What language are you using? Where are you running the code that will make the requests?
Im using c#. The code is in the main method right now
I don't know how parse the information into something useful
public class Variable
    public string code { get; set; }
    public string text { get; set; }
    public List<string> values { get; set; }
    public List<string> valueTexts { get; set; }
    public bool? time { get; set; }

public class RootObject
    public string title { get; set; }
    public List<Variable> variables { get; set; }
That is json2csharp.com gives me
I need to get the the strings but also whats inside the lists
Rignt now i'm justing reading it as ReadAsStringAsync
8:20 PM
@MårtenCederholm So you have the HTTP access all taken care of already?
Yeah, parsing JSON can be a bit awkward in class-based languages
I think so. I have managed to get the data and put into a string.
@MårtenCederholm Is that a core C# function?
But since it's in a string I cannot to my knowledge get the info from the lists
You need a JSON parsing library
 static async void loadData()
            string page = "http://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/sv/ssd/START/ME/ME0104/ME0104D/ME0104T4";
            using(HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
            using(HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(page))
            using(HttpContent content = response.Content)
                string data = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (data != null)
I have installed Newtonsoft.Json in the Nuget packages
1 hour later…
9:34 PM
Is there any way to check "whether second row is the value I wanted in TSQL"?


|  SupervisorId[bigint] Department[varchar(max)] |
|        1       Health                          |
|        2       Finance                         |
|        1       Research                        |
|        3       Finance                         |
|        1       Finance                         |
Note : The table is simplified

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