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2:03 AM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: This is a new user function do <changelog> and used as changelog-at rebol/commit which takes your browser to the commit associated with the binary you are using. Unlike the GitHub commit which does not change, it is hoped that the rebolchat notes will be updated by their authors. It only looks at the last 10 commit notices by

2:21 AM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: do we need to do this already? meta.discourse.org How do I update my Docker image to latest? We update our Docker image for security releases and other library updates. These updates are not picked up in admin/upgrade To update SSH into your web server using putty or your favorite SSH client. cd /var/discour

2 hours later…
3:57 AM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: github.com discourse/discourse-akismet discourse-akismet - give spam a whoopin Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic

4:09 AM
Build cda7cdb on 26-May-2017/4:05:46Z is now available for download. Please use debug builds and report issues. No warranty of fitness is implied.
These are the direct links for OSX x64, Win x64, Linux x64, and Android-arm.
Crap, getting "managed series was likely created during evaluator tick: 100338" on this build
Was it me who broke this?!
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: C Source File ../src/os/host-main.c, Line 859 Series VARLIST detected. ...and that VARLIST is of an ERROR!... ** PROBE() tick 100338 ../src/core/d-crash.c:126 make error! [ [self: code type id message near where arg1 FILE LINE] [ code: 3000 type: Script id: no-value message: [:arg1 "has no value"]

4:50 AM
posted on May 26, 2017 by gchiu

As of this commit 58d6d5b

2 hours later…
7:15 AM
@GrahamChiu - Is this what needs testing? gist.github.com/rgchris/298424c071710b5cb1d3e922c1ed7987
or is there something more recent?
7:28 AM
@draegtun I think it's this one:
import raw.githubusercontent.com/rgchris/Scripts/master/ren-c/…

server: open [
	scheme: 'httpd 8080 [
		probe request/action
		switch request/action [
			"GET /hello" [
				response/status: 200
				response/type: "text/plain"
				response/content: "Hello!"

wait _
This version contains the TRAP when writing the response and indeed it still bombs out with 'uncaught signal #13'.
@rgchris - It crashes with following error...
** Access error: cannot connect: [scheme: 'tcp] reason: 48
** Where: open --anonymous-- open do catch either either --anonymous-- do trap either --anonymous--
** Near: server/locals/subport open server/locals/subport ??
This is using r3 built 3 days ago + old r3-0f831cb pre-built binary
Running OS X 10.9.5
8:20 AM
posted on May 26, 2017 by draegtun

Tightened what to-dir, get-home-path & get-resources-path can return Have to cover that exists? returns word file or dir Fixes #523

8:31 AM
@rgchris this isn't trapped though write client append make binary! 0 collect [
9 hours later…
5:48 PM
@GrahamChiu I've an updated version here with traps around both writes—still getting the signal #13.
6:23 PM
@rgchris @ShixinZeng says the system wait list isn't used. Also does it crash in Andreas' version with the trapped writes?
Q: Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe.?

Վարդան ԳրիգորյանI write a client program based on posix sockets. The program creates multiple threads and is going to lock the server. But during debug in gdb time the program gives an info (error) "(gdb) n Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe. [Switching to Thread 0xb74c0b40 (LWP 4864)] 0xb7fdd424...

So signal 13 appears to do with this sigpipe where a write occurs to a broken pipe. If rebol is not catching it I guess it needs to be dealt with in the c code? @ShixinZeng
7:03 PM
@GrahamChiu @rgchris how can I reproduce the signal #13 error? I run the code above, and used "curl"; for testing, and it didn't crash
@ShixinZeng the problem is that the web server writes to the client when the client has closed the connection
this happens when the browser client does a refresh while not having received yet the full response
so the server code keeps writing to a broken pipe which doesn't seem to matter in windows but gives this signal in osx
so it's seen on multiple refreshes with a browser client on the web server
we saw the problem too on android but it went away when we trapped the writes
@GrahamChiu OK, where did you trap the writes? Could you show me the code?
@ShixinZeng gist.github.com/rgchris/… - there are two traps here
@GrahamChiu could you give me the line numbers?
317 343
7:09 PM
@GrahamChiu Thanks. Let me take a look
@GrahamChiu OK, I can reproduce the crash now, and am looking into it
@ShixinZeng using OSX?
@GrahamChiu Linux
@ShixinZeng oh :(
even better I guess ... since it means it's not platform specific
@GrahamChiu Adding a MSG_NOSIGNAL flag to sendto might be enough
@ShixinZeng just as long as we can trap it :)
7:32 PM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: The shttpd variants have variably suffered an error on writing to a client when the client had closed the connection prematurely. This error was not trapped by a trap. The problem could not be handled in rebol code because the CLOSE event was being received while the write was in progress. stackoverflow.com

7:44 PM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: The current module list is on GitHub in the r3n Repository and is pointed to in system/locale/library github.com r3n/renclib/blob/master/usermodules.reb [ <amazon-s3> [http://reb4.me/r3/s3.reb] <changelog> [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r3n/renclib/master/scripts/changes.reb] <dl-renc>

8:23 PM
@GrahamChiu @rgchris Please test if the latest build still crashes with SIGPIPE: github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/commit/…
@ShixinZeng Wouldn't say my testing is rigorous, but is now seems more robust and is printing error messages in the console.
(which is by design)
All the errors are write errors:
make error! [
    [self: code type id message near where file line arg1 arg2]
        code: 5020
        type: Access
        id: write-error
        message: ["write failed:" :arg1 "reason:" :arg2]
        near: [take/part port/locals/wire 2000000000 ??]
        where: [write trap case send-chunk switch --anonymous-- wake-up either until --anonymous-- wait do catch either either --anonymous-- do trap either --anonymous--]
        file: ../src/core/p-net.c
        line: 323
        arg1: [scheme: 'tcp]
I expect that they are normal—the socket is closed before there has been a chance to send the response.
@rgchris Good, is it on OSX?
Yep—64-bit build.
Sounds like we have a winner!
@rgchris That's cool. I didn't even try to compile for OSX, and it just worked. ;)
8:40 PM
@ShixinZeng thanks for the quick fix for a very long standing issue!
@GrahamChiu No problem. I was not aware of the exact problem.
Build 9f38464 on 26-May-2017/20:39:10Z is now available for download. Please use debug builds and report issues. No warranty of fitness is implied.
These are the direct links for OSX x64, Win x64, Linux x64, and Android-arm.
3 hours later…
11:14 PM
posted on May 26, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: C:\Users\Graham\rebol3\ren-c\make>r3 fail() before object table initialized, code = 3002 C Source File ../src/core/c-error.c, Line 867 Kind=34 No containing series for value...panicking to make stack dump: managed series was likely created during evaluator tick: 0 I just added a construct - see last line, and this comes up locale:

11:52 PM
>> db: open odbc://Rebol
>> stmt: first db
>> insert stmt {SELECT value FROM `test`.`integer` LIMIT 0, 1000}
>> copy stmt
== [[10] [20] [30] [40]]
>> close stmt
>> close db
I don't know that this FIRST thing to get a "command port" is the best design, but whatever.
We can improve it.
hello what's Rebol used for?
@Halie it's a scripting language so for that use
but people have built web servers and electronic medical records systems :)
@Halie Historically, small scripting utilities. It focuses on being a single cross-platform tool that's relatively small, you just download one binary and it runs without additional DLLs or dependencies, and you'd get GUI and networking support, etc. It is used somewhat ambitiously in industrial automation, so that's kind of the main commercial application at the moment.
so it's like java?
11:57 PM
@Halie more like Lisp
@Halie Nothing like it. More resembles Lisp, Forth, things like that. It is credited as being something of the inspiration for JSON, Douglas Crockford used to use it.
why not just c#?
>> print "Hey, RebolBot, are you awake?"
@GrahamChiu I guess RebolBot is not quite all well yet?
>> {Yo, Bot! Wake up!}
@GrahamChiu That's very interesting.
~r3> "Yo, Bot! Wake up!"
Yo, Bot! Wake up!
11:59 PM
@GrahamChiu Print seemed to trigger some error

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