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12:20 AM
RT @chip1057: Inside the new cafe #Rebol on @CLEPublicSquare https://t.co/b8zk8lULEc
3 hours later…
2:54 AM
RT @chip1057: Inside the new cafe #Rebol on @CLEPublicSquare https://t.co/b8zk8lULEc
3 hours later…
5:38 AM
On the bright side of things, most new restaurant ventures like that go out of business pretty quickly.
One kind of has to wonder who did a web search and thought it was a good idea to call their business "Rebol".
5 hours later…
10:19 AM
Haha, RT stands for Re Tweet, not Rebol Technologies!
3 hours later…
1:16 PM
@Morwenn So I know it's been a while...but remember that fairly irritating requirement to invoke the lambda generating macro REN_STD_FUNCTION in the code for when you were providing an implementation to a function from C++? goodbye to that!
@MarkI Remember when I first said the thing, about how I was thinking about killing END! and then chewing a bit out of the header so that you'd only need one bit out of one platform-pointer-sized thing to terminate? And how I thought you could then poke a REBVAL into a REBSER with the info bits terminating it, as long as the info bits ended in zero or what-not?
I think you said you thought that sounded cool, perhaps. I'm sure you said you thought the death of END! as a REBVAL-sized and in-band datatype was a good thing.
1:49 PM
RT @chip1057: Inside the new cafe #Rebol on @CLEPublicSquare https://t.co/b8zk8lULEc
2:08 PM
@HostileFork I did indeed. I also remember vaguely that it broke PARSE, did we fix that?
@MarkI Pretty much all bugs on file are fixed, in short time even, which isn't to say there aren't lots of bugs to be found...just that I don't know anyone who can argue a bug they've reported that's blocking them from something they're doing is blocking them from something they're doing.
@MarkI But the reason I was bringing it up was to mention the nature of the REBSER nodes, as you are amongst those who can understand something along the lines of...what it means to have a REBSER node that can hold a value, and how the flags terminating the value ties in with the C, and how that's better than doing a pool allocation of a 2-element array, with all the details of that.
Because of course, this turned out to be kind of important, in the idea that there are needs of GC'able entities where you don't want to pay for a dynamic allocation, so just a pooled allocation is about as much as you feel like paying for the thing that you also can give to users as a REBVAL.
e.g. I think you can understand why that is important.
And why that became a defining point that wasn't just micro-optimization, because these FRAME! REBVALs-that-were-also-REBSERs, became "I fit in a REBSER-node" items, to power specific binding.
@MarkI And then I was going to mention two new things on the radar, that are a bit like the announcement of that design, before it was implemented--that is now taken for granted--after having to struggle with the real world implications a bit, which I don't remember if you followed or not.
@chip1057 @CLEPublicSquare You might not know #rebol is a programming language (http://rebol.com) and we're getting all your tweets!!
2:24 PM
Reading trademark law is interesting. I looked Rebol up a many years ago and noticed it was a dead trademark according to the registry. I asked Carl at the conference if he would think about renewing it, he said he might, but...didn't.
The thing about trademark law is that there's sort of a "common law" trademark theory...and since rebol.com has been up one could argue that the trademark is active and "defended" (though @iArnold would argue the github.com/rebol trademark is dead).
Still, that doesn't really relate to how trademarks work across non-competing industries or marks, where there's no accident of mistaking one for the other.
There's another Rebol trademark for a juice, from many years back.
In any case, if someone were to try and make a software oriented or language product and call it Rebol, there would be a reasonable legal basis for Carl (if so inclined) to sue them, if they thought they were trading on that reputation--expired payment plan or not, so long as the website and wikipedia page are up
And you would think of course, this could never apply to Red. But look at what "King" tried to do to "Candy". Or didn't. Depends how you read their case.
1 hour later…
3:49 PM
RT @chip1057: Inside the new cafe #Rebol on @CLEPublicSquare https://t.co/b8zk8lULEc
2 hours later…
6:06 PM
While I don't think there's any general rules on such usage, it does seem a strange application of a hashtag. I guess they couldn't get the @rebol handle.
1 hour later…
7:25 PM
@HostileFork Rebol the programming language is different enough from Rebol the cafe. Rebol is international, Rebol cafe is a local endeavor. Until they go worldwide like Starbucks, they can do with rebol-cafe.com (example) domain, for rebol.com is just taken. (Or they pay for it).
You forgot to mention all retweets ;-P
Kindly suggest them to use #Rebolcafe ?
If it becomes a recurring problem, I'll work on filtering the results. I get the sense it'll pass.
7:53 PM
Yes within 2 years it will get a new owner and a new name...
But for them I hope business will go well and they have a lot of fun there. Perhaps one day they restyle Rebol cafe in real Rebol style. 2024 in R4 style :-D
8:48 PM
posted on June 24, 2016 by Hans Schüren

Hello , no surprise about this very simple code. I am surfing around different languages and come down to very simple questions. Why can i not start this code. ? Red [title: "gameplay" ] x: ask "Enter a value for x: " y: ask "Enter a value for y: " z = x + y print z


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