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12:14 AM
@ShixinZeng From what I remember, Cyphre's work on the GUI components had some aspect of scaling built-in, primarily for doing things like displaying on Android phones. I'm working on an application that runs 1920x1080 on a 7" display, and I'd like to scale up the GUI. Is there a way to do that in R3-GUI?
1:05 AM
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1 hour later…
2:24 AM
@kealist Hrm. Is this a real person? Yildiz Niy shares Red video on Google+.
6 hours later…
8:46 AM
@Respectech Check out his Android r3-gui demo
2 hours later…
10:30 AM
Here's an idea for COMBINE. What if get-words would MOLD the target?
x: [1 2 3]
y: [x x]
combine ["Hello" y "World"] ; "Hello 1 2 3 1 2 3 World"
combine ["Hello" :y "World"] ; "Hello [x x] World"
Or, lit-words, as you're asking for it to "literally" put the content there. That might make more sense.
Lit-words would also have the advantage that a raw combine 'y could be used and achieve the same result as combine ['y]
(Er, the above should be COMBINE/WITH space, as combine doesn't put spaces in unless you ask.)
The reason I suggest it is based on wanting PRINT value to under the hood be WRITE STDOUT COMBINE/WITH value space (along with PRINT/ONLY value being the same without the space)... and while I do believe that printing raw source words is bad most of the time, it's nice to be able to print out literal blocks easily without having to say "mold" (or "form"). I'm still fuzzy on FORM's value.
>> print [Hello World]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: Hello has no value
** Where: print
** Near: print [Hello World]
>> print ['Hello 'World]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
Hello World
I don't think that's a very good idea, printing oft-living source symbolic "words" is more a source of bugs than anything...you probably wanted to look that up.
10:59 AM
Another correction above...I'm misremembering things. PRINT/ONLY still has the spaces, just no newline. If you want to control the delimiting behavior you need to actually call print combine [...]
2 hours later…
1:00 PM
@Respectech about scaling, have you tried "gui-metric/set 'log-size dpi / 96"?
Another Rebmu abbreviation issue :-/ ... if P is a shortcut to PR which is a shortcut to PRINT, it might be reasonable to think that PO would be a shortcut to PRO as a shortcut to PRINT/ONLY. But then what would POKE be? PK is a bit too close to PICK, and PI is legitimately PI so pick can't take that. Before I had PN as PRIN but I despise PRIN. Tough.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ.
Node JS vs Java as a back end service to mobile and web applications ... which is better iyo?
@user3012749 The topic of this room is Rebol and Red languages, which are light years cooler than Java or JavaScript. But with those two, Node.JS is good for throwing things together quickly and Java is more entrenched in more robust enterprise stuff. If you want to be agile and participate in a crazed-weasel-type evolution then Node.JS
oo right viva la rebolution
yeah I was wanting something "robust" but there's benefits to nodes nature that java can't hack ... its asynchronistic nature that is.
1:11 PM
@user3012749 It's the redolution these days, by and large...
I think the PO abbreviation conundrum suggests that given the adapted-over-time mission of Rebmu, I should probably bite the bullet and say it's not valuable to put things that are refinements in Rebol into the name of the abbreviation. It should be P/O for PRINT/ONLY and the only way A/O would be append/only would be if A was append. It isn't, because A is the program argument.
"A" could default to append, and I could say that X is the program's input by default...which is a bit more natural with math.
1 hour later…
2:47 PM
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [repend x [10 + 20]]]
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [append x reduce [10 + 20]]]
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [reduce/into [10 + 20] tail x]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [reduce/into [10 + 20] tail x]]
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [append x reduce [10 + 20]]]
print delta-time [x: [] loop 10000 [repend x [10 + 20]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
Not only is repend a lousy name, it's about twice as slow as doing things more clearly. :-/
3:29 PM
@HostileFork Yes
3:50 PM
@kealist All righty then, I won't mark it as spam.
4:41 PM
posted on August 20, 2014 by fork

[Wish] REPEND was already on my list for being an irritating word. In looking at whether it was needed, I ran a test: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18394277#18394277 "APPEND X REDUCE Y" or "REDUCE/INTO Y TAIL X" are twice as fast as "REPEND X Y". The reason is that it's a mezzanine, with an APPLY: repend: make function! [[ {Appends a reduced value to a series and ret

5:01 PM
I suppose the least disruptive future would be one where REPEND and REPEAT are relegated to R3/BACKWARD, LOOP stays as is for iterating when you don't pay attention to the value being iterated, and FOR takes on the iteration dialect role when you do care what the value is on each iteration.
for x 3 [print x] would be 1, 2, 3. loop 3 [print "Hi"] would be "Hi", "Hi", "Hi". for x [10 thru 12] [print x] would be 10, 11, 12. loop [10 thru 12] [print "Hi"] would be "Hi", "Hi", "Hi".
I don't know of anyone who is that concerned about the preservation of the existing FOR.
I'll go ahead and incubate this in Rebmu. No REPEND, no REPEAT...so RP is replace. FR is FOR (as above), LP is loop.
5:19 PM
>> help replace
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
    REPLACE target search replace /all /case /tail

    Replaces a search value with the replace value within the target series.
    REPLACE is a function value.

    target -- Series to replace within (modified) (series!)
    search -- Value to be replaced (converted if necessary)
    replace -- Value to replace with (called each time if a function)

    /all -- Replace all occurrences
    /case -- Case-sensitive replacement
Replace has a bit of a problem, because it often comes up that you want to replace a map of things...but then what happens when you want to replace something with a map?
But already you have trouble if it's a function, because Replace calls the function.
6:13 PM
posted on August 20, 2014 by fork

[Comment] After considering it a while, I think that WHILE and UNTIL sound like IF and UNLESS. x: 1 while [x = 1] [print "Hello"] ...should print "Hello" forever. x: 1 until [x = 1] [print "Hello"] ...should print nothing. In both cases, the tests done on each loop iteration, once before the first iteration. That has symmetry. Both cases have a useful analogue: do nothing until the condi

skiwi, Netherlands
8.5k 1 21 61
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ.
oh hi @RebolBot there
@skiwi RebolBot does like to say hi to people. Welcome, curious about Rebol or Red?
I just saw that meta.stackexchange.com/a/224324/244032 you've got a working Atom feed, which I cannot seem to get to work in one of my chatrooms... was wondering if one knew more
unfortunately not intersted in Rebol or Red at the moment
@skiwi Well @rgchris is the person to ask about the feed thing, but if you don't want to use Rebol to do it, then you might ask an SO question about your specific technical barrier.
6:21 PM
I'm afraid the issue is inside the SE code, and was just wondering if one has worked its way around it
There were some issues and the updates are slow for some reason
Well, if one adds an answer to a Rebol tagged question it shows up in the room, so we have that working.
hm okay, and it's even Atom?
the strange thing was that it did pull five latest messages when added, but after that nothing
There is some kind of delay issue, I don't personally know what it was. If you post a StackOverflow question explaining the details of what you tried and what you expected, then raising @rgchris's attention to it he will probably tell you what he knows if it is relevant, though he's not online at the moment.
okay, I'll try to that then :) thanks for your time @HostileFork
6:37 PM
posted on August 20, 2014 by fork

[Wish] In requesting a 1-arity WHILE, questions of the awkwardness of naming it and its behavior drew attention to the existing awkwardness of UNTIL. This was debated a bit in #2146. I've scrapped that proposal and thus introduce a new one. This is that the existing UNTIL be made 2-arity and consistent with the layout of WHILE, and that WHILE have a refinement added to allow it to run the bo

7:12 PM
@skiwi An Ajax fan from the city of light?
Not interested in Rebol or Red, just as unbelievable...
7:32 PM
@iArnold Ajax fan... never ;)
@skiwi I knew it ;-) Well, the Rebol and Red team is even better than PSV, you're welcome to join it when you feel ready!
I honestly read up about it earlier... but I didn't like the syntax or something back then ;)
@skiwi What syntax? Rebol doesn't have a syntax, it is that flexible.
@skiwi and it makes sensible choices
@skiwi sorry gtr now.
I'm too busy right now to take a better look though :(
2 hours later…
9:13 PM
A: Program your favorite phrase

Dr. RebmuRebmu message length + 27 Were we to go with "My IQ is not me!" that would be 43. But I support this message: uV?'s[S[{The}{rebellion}{against}{software}{complexity.}]]proTKsPROsp Equivalent Rebol/Red: unless value? 's [ s: [{The}{rebellion}{against}{software}{complexity.}] ] print/onl...

I've used Rebmu to test ideas, things like COMBINE and WHILST. I'm axing WHILST; it isn't very good, and my curecode ticket documents what seems a better direction of making UNTIL more normal.
while/after seems useful, to only check the condition after running the body one time.
A lot of times that's what you want but you wind up doing some contamination of the condition and moving things where they shouldn't be to accomplish it.
Then if UNTIL was like WHILE and had the same after, it just becomes the "UNLESS" to while's "IF".
Anyway, that Rebmu program started out as an attempt to use a modified PRINT based on COMBINE, with the function parameter to /WITH added and the ability to lit-quote things when you want them molded.
>> prin ["Foo" space] prin ["Bar" space] prin ["Baz" space]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
Foo  Bar  Baz
One thing that is kind of annoying is that it's hard with just baseline PRINT/ONLY (or PRIN above) to say "I want a space here, just one...it'll be continued". Because PRINT (and PRIN) inject spaces by default to any series of things. I wonder if there could be a sensible way to express this, otherwise you wind up having to go outside of print to print combine (print rejoin) even when you aren't doing anything that tricky...else above you get two spaces in a row.
10:20 PM
>> parse [a] [any 'b | 'a]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== false
^^ I expected true ...
Please anyone wants explay me this?
10:37 PM
@HostileFork Re the WHILE/UNTIL ticket: "or be unset if there wasn't one." --> WHILE currently returns NONE if the body didn't execute. Which is the better choice (compared to unset) in general. And also in line with IF.
@earl Ah. Hm, but if it did a PRINT and executed once it would be unset. I guess that's in line with IF, yes
>> x: if true [print "hi"]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-need-value.html
** Script error: x: needs a value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
@giuliolunati ANY 'B matches successfully if there are zero or more B's.
So it also matches succesfully in this case. Which is why there is no backtracking and no switching over to the alternative branch.
Then the alternative is done, no more rule parts left to process, but the input has not been fully consumed, which is why PARSE returns false.
@giuliolunati Does that answer your question?
>> parse [a] [some [any 'b | 'a]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== false
10:41 PM
That's the tricky one, as to "hey, why didn't it match nothing forever?"
Because SOME only continues as long as it "makes progress" on each iteration.
(Which is a change compared to Rebol 2, where this wasn't the case but where SOME would indeed match forever.)
(A change Red adopted as well, fortunately.)
>> rule: [any 'b] parse [x] [some [any rule (print "got here!" rule: ['x]) | 'a]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
got here!
== false
"makes progress", for some definition of progress.
Advances the input pointer.
Or more plainly: "consumes input".
10:48 PM
Seems sensible enough, though it's all one of those "hey this should be documented" kinds of things.
Fortunately, it is.
> some rule -- match to the rule one or more times; stop on failure or if input does not change.
"Here the input did not appear to advance, but something useful happened. In such cases, the some word should not be used, and the while word is better" hm. Well I don't know enough to say whether changing the input should count as well as a position change.
>> compose [10 (:blahblah) 20]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== [10 20]
>> compose [10 (blahblah) 20]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: blahblah has no value
** Where: compose
** Near: compose [10 (blahblah) 20]
11:01 PM
>> print :blahblah
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
>> print print "Hi"
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
Oops, working in a window locally that has my new unset!-intolerant print. Got confused.
I think being unset!-intolerant is good for print. You should have to do something wacky to get print to respond well to an unset.
Although, it's hard to say, when held up to the likes of combine. If print [print "x"] is built on COMBINE, and COMBINE is following COMPOSE's lead, then it would tolerate it. So why not print print "x" as well?
@earl perfectly, thanks!

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