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11:23 PM
A: using Perl to scrape a website

user1126070You could use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to process any site that could be loaded by Firefox. You have to install the Mozrepl plugin and you will be able to process the web page contant via this module....

Thank you for answer! I cannot get the code to compile, however. It says that it cannot locate www/mechanize/firefox.pmin @INC<@INC contain: C:/Perl/site/lib C:/Perl/lib.>
@user1690130: did you download and properly set up WWW::Mechanize::Firefox?
@MooingDuck I believe I did. How would I know for sure whether I did or didn't?
Does a file containing only "use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;" work? If not, it's not properly set up. I'm still researching how to set up perl plugins for you.
@user1690130… talks about how to set it up, doesn't go into details on how to make the perl end work. Still looking...
@MooingDuck I cannot do this. I am stuck on step 2. Although, under Tools, I see MozRepl. And I see Start. And that is step 7. So maybe I cannot do steps 2-6 but somehow 7 is done. But either way, I cannot get that 1-line of code to run: use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;"
11:23 PM
You posted in chat that you can't find the folder "bard-mozrepl-abcdefg". You also posted a screenshot (four times) that shows you are in the folder "bard-mozrepl-abcdefg", at which point I refused to continue to help. If you can't find the folder you're in, I'm not going to walk you through writing a website scraper in perl.
11:41 PM
You asked: Does a file containing only "use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;" work? The answer is yes. I had not put the quotes before. Without the quotes, no it does not work. With the quotes, it does. — user1690130 6 mins ago
@user1690130: the file should not have quotes, and it should be successful.
oh :(
it is only successful wth quotes
@MooingDuck ?
@MooingDuck hello?

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