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12:23 PM
@TheLittleNaruto that CoordinatorLayout still make me mad
12:44 PM
@rekire Ah! I left seeing that blog.
The customization of layout behaviour is hard to grab easily
I found my problem
I placed some elements within the wrong tag @TheLittleNaruto
the app:layout_behavior attribute can be used just in the CoordinatorLayout itself
not in its childs
For now I'm confused how the maximum value can been found but the rest is now relatively clear
Going for Tea brb
1:02 PM
got one question
android one
I still do not understand how the flags of app:layout_scrollFlags work...
hey @Gudin what is the matter?
i got LoginActivity and SomeOtherActivity. I want to be able to remember user login, and when app starts go directly to SomeOtherActivity
LoginActivity is main activity
is it possible to do some logic like checking SharedPrefs if user is logged and then launch proper activity?
I do it in this way: one of the first lines of code from the onCreate() of my MainActivity checks if the user is already logged in if not I show the login activity
when the result code of the login is negative I exit the main activity too
@Gudin yes this is possible, I'm checking the login state with this storage
ok so i guess I should make my SomeOtherActivity main, and if user isn't logged in start the LoginActivity
and btw @rekire
im quite new to StackOverflow, didn't know about chat until i saw your election application
so thanks for taht
1:09 PM
well thanks :D
everybody started here on SO some time ago. I saw the frist chat link in a comment of my questions.
can I add IntentService as Main and Launcher? I guess not
what do you want to achieve?
well to check if user is logged in :)
however in general I never use an intent service so this is hard to day for me without RTFM^^
in general you can check this from the service too, you should not show any ui from a service
ok i will do it your way, but it seems weird to start one then immediately other activity, i guess my startup time of app will be longer
1:12 PM
it is possible that it takes longer but normally the user will never really see the differnce
keep in mind that there can happen some racing conditions when you start in onCreate another activity. I know a case where the context becomes null. not sure why however this way a buggly library ether
hey @berserk
hey @rekire
are you familar with the CoordinatorLayout?
sup? Online on Sunday?
1:27 PM
working since I had no time yesterday^^
No, never used.
I am getting to become a fan of that instance run feature
1:49 PM
hi guys
@rekire - what happened to that election?
2:21 PM
@TheGuy right I ended at place 10 with 44 less votes then place 9^^
2:33 PM
good luck for next year @rekire ^^
2:59 PM
Looks like I am back but the chat is already dead.
@rekire lol Read the question. : stackoverflow.com/q/33983801/1944896
lol added a delete vote
The question is, whom, he is referring to as "Daniel" ? lol
3:16 PM
in Android, 49 secs ago, by Blackbelt
cv-plz http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33984308/android-studio-error-24-13
@rekire ^
@TheLittleNaruto brilliant question
posted on November 29, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

3:43 PM
Hello, I starting with Java and I have a question about heritage. Well I have my class x and class y extends x. I have access to my methods on class X. Why can't I access my methods of class y when creating a new y() ?
4:04 PM
@Poteito this depends on the access modifier private is private not accessable from any other class including subclasses. protected works can been accessed from any subclassed class with the access permission of private for any other classes. and public is accessable from all. any questions open?
And no modifier means package intern. there it depends on the package name of the subclass
But I'm calling the sub-class's( is that the right name for a class that heritages from an other ?) method that is public.
E.g.: I have the class Person and the class Teacher extends Person. When creating a new Teacher I have access to all my Person methods but not the the ones of Teacher
you should have access to Teacher methods if they are public
Restarted the IDE and it works ...
Sorry about that
4:25 PM
@rekire - don't worry-next time ;)
@TheLittleNaruto - are you alive? :|
you're not even here
@TheGuy Always, kid :)
good to heard that :)
All you have to do is just call your "Sensei" ^^
What's up ? How was your exam ?
like always :d
next week i'll have a final exam
Very nice.
4:28 PM
which with that i can travel between country's i guess
When can we expect result then ?
Which countries you will travel to ?
i'm not sure, but it's like a bridge for the future :)
very nice :)
i just need some pray and study hard this week :/
Study hard and make it happen :)
4:31 PM
i hope so
4:43 PM
guys, is this push secure?
i mean, can we trust it?
it's really a good thing for push notification
@rekire - what do you think about it?
5:29 PM
@TheGuy I never read about it
it seems to be yet another push service
for performance reasons I would use gcm less connections for the mobile
6:17 PM
building an adapter for adapter :/
hello everyone, could someone vote for my question?
I need my question to beseen by more people to have a good answer.

6:53 PM
@seaguest I would try to work around it, sometimes it is impossible.
@Gudin What do you mean ?
adapter for recyclerview. I have two view holders which can then expand (to make different view holder)
I'm not sure is this good solution, but i built adapter for recycler view adapter
better than cramping all in one class
Very well
It is a good approach.
@TheLittleNaruto do you know how to get the text color of a TextAppearance?
@rekire TextAppearance ?
Do you mean that Appcompat style ?
7:04 PM
never used style="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Headline"?
Well I have
<style name="Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Medium">
<item name="android:textSize">@dimen/abc_text_size_medium_material</item>
<item name="android:textColor">?android:attr/textColorSecondary</item>
An API reference ^
for some animation stuff I would like to read the text color out without hard coding it
yeah looks quiet familar ;)
From java code ?
<style name="Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Headline">
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/abc_text_size_headline_material</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">?android:textColorPrimary</item>
I would try with "textView.getTextColors(); getCurrentTextColor()"
7:24 PM
@TheLittleNaruto this won't work for my usage
Why not ?
I need to know two text colors at once to calculate the transition
two text colors ?
Is it something like, an animation which will switch one style to another ? And while switching you'll have to find out the color of each ?
same for the fontsize
But why would you need the color and font size ? Isn't everything(like text color and font) applied it to the TextView as soon as the animation switched to another style ?
7:38 PM
I know no way for automatic translations
gn8 we can continue this tomorrow
Good Night

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