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6:26 AM
Good morning
2 hours later…
8:03 AM
Discovered that we had a bunch of usercontrols, each in their own DLL and loaded dynamically, and all of them used MergedDictionaries to link to the main asset resource dictionary, even though it's also loaded to the main Application dictionary at runtime.
Removing it changed the time to instantiate a usercontrol from 400ms to 6ms.
4 hours later…
12:23 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeah, that is a nasty perf & memory hit
12:39 PM
It's easy to think of it as a Using statement like in C#, a simple namespace import, but it isn't.
1:00 PM
yeah, usually it works having all in app.xaml
sometimes the designer does not pick it up
3 hours later…
3:59 PM
Hey anybody here?
Would please a WP warrior help me with this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/38551309/…
3 hours later…
6:57 PM
Hi there
wil see if that can be done
first of all thanks for your time
thats what we r here for
to help n learn
7:08 PM
So I guess the real problem is here:
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Name" />
In particular should be created a new propertygroupdescription that bind the leagues
I'm trying to create it as:
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Name" />
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Leagues}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
but unfortunately I get this:
System.Windows.Conotrols.ListView Items.Count:1 instead of the league name
u r inserting listview in groupnames
uhm well yes, I'm trying to display all leagues as groupstyle..
so I can have another expander organization
showing Match in anoteher column could be an issue
I've already managed the organization that I want with another data structure, in particular adding only matches
so I bind only the matches and filter as nation and league
but I would change it 'cause I've a bug, in particular I show for each groupstyle the itemcounts
if a nation is binded x time instead of show me the itemcount of the league I get the itemcount of the nation
ok, i will see ur requirements and try to post more answer tomorrow.
7:14 PM
for this I've created another structure more organized, but this isn't very easy to set to xaml
no problem
use of ListView could be an issue
In the PropertyGroupDescription?
otherwise it should be easy with something else
no separate one
I never worked with PropertyGroupDescription.GroupNames
I imagine that are for this scope?
7:15 PM
oh so I'm wrong on this
I can't have an organization as:
u will understand this if you create grouping in code on a collection
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Name" />
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Leagues.Name" /> ??
Leagues.Name is not a property
I know
is a list
will see nested groups tomorrow
good night now
7:17 PM
but I need to show the name of each league as GroupStyle
good night and thanks
1 hour later…
8:41 PM
Guys how can I create a Databound App from a template without using Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight?

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