« first day (4934 days earlier)   
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 17:00

12:32 AM
@MileMijatović there either isn't a header Set-Cookie in the response headers by default, or you're using the wrong request method. If you intended to use a GET request, then that's not the issue. I think the issue is that the header doesn't exist or isn't set.
const elements = [
  { className: 'voteComment', idPrefix: 'txtVoteComment' },
  { className: 'voteYes', idPrefix: 'txtVoteYes' },
  { className: 'voteNo', idPrefix: 'txtVoteNo' },
  { className: 'voteAbstain', idPrefix: 'txtVoteAbstain' },
  { className: 'voteAbsent', idPrefix: 'txtVoteAbsent' }

elements.forEach((element, index) => {
  const el = input_group.querySelector(`.${element.className}`);
  el.value = '';
  el.id = `${element.idPrefix}_${index}`;
@Jefferson ^
3 hours later…
3:11 AM
A SQL query walks into a bar, walks up to two tables and asks...
'Can I join you?'
['hip', 'hip']
(hip hip array)
3:30 AM
Invalid command! Did you mean: coc, wow, tomm? Try help for a list of available commands.
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 17:00

« first day (4934 days earlier)