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1:01 AM
I think it's all @Owatch 's fault
1:50 AM
@LGL I preferred the full tower design of Mac Pro. The "Wastebasket" pisses me off.
Lots of performance, but a very closed design. No drive bays. No normal video cards or PCI card slots.
The tower style Mac pro is a thing of beauty. Very easy to work on/add to.
I had those, But I really want the new one
Zero expandability.
Thats the only thing I hate about it
It's a toaster. A nice toaster, but still a toaster.
I want an open system that I can configure/expand myself.
but apple is making everything USB connectivity
1:58 AM
USB is horribly slow, and Thunderbolt is not widely supported.
I want to be able to add SATA drives, PCI cards, memory, custom video cards, whatever I want, not what big brother Apple decides to offer.
I mean I could get those from my Uncle, he sell them in Rockville, MD
It's a closed system.
Get what?
Rockville MD is right around the corner from me.
I know
you told me
I did?
Yeah remember when i sent you a customer for guitar thingy
2:01 AM
Did you used to have a different name?
Brian S.
That explains my confusion
What does your uncle sell? old style Mac Pros or the new "wastebasket" style?
He actually sell those huge printer for enterprises. But most of the time he have Mac Pro
I'm half tempted to buy a loaded used tower style i7 Mac Pro.
cause he got connection with Mac Business Solution
2:07 AM
You're in Silver Spring or thereabouts, right?
Gaithersburg, MD
That's right.
Who is hiring iOS devs?
I'm available.
What Country you from @eddwinpaz?
2:13 AM
Where do you live now?
I speak fluid english, and not only know Swift+Obj-C but Python/Django
Merida, Venezuela.
@DuncanC me?
"fluid English"?!?
@eddwinpaz Oh okay, I have not connection :(
No, Eddwin
2:14 AM
I work from Home.
"Fluent" English.
Ducan I speak 4 languages
Dont pay attention to grammar
But to say you speak "Fluid english" is dripping in irony.
That's what my LOL was for.
2:16 AM
I learned to speak all this languages not to type them
the best I know is english grammar
is this right english?
The second irony is that it's not even a grammar issue, it's a spelling issue.
Today I went to a MTB competition.
We appreciate if all users follow our and read our legal document before using the app.
I think my english sucks
2:19 AM
I burned my skin, the sun was super hot
Eddwin, what are your other 2 languages?
(Aside from English and Spanish)
Portuguese and Papiamentu
Portugese was my guess for one of them.
Wait, what?
Playing the bass souvlaki?
2:29 AM
I just bought an Arduino
Raspberry Pi is not reliable for 24/7 projects
Arduinos are very cool.
I've done a fair amount with them.
Bleh. I'm having trouble passing in an object into a function that requires AnyClass
I'll make a Automated Project for my new home.
using 3way switches
3 state CMOS you mean?
and handle relay signals for automated windows and garage door
3 way switch
2:31 AM
@David You mean AnyObject?
Nope... AnyClass
Trying to fix a bug in the IQKeyboardManager library.
What is AnyClass? Not familiar.
Well, funny enough, it is a thing... but I can't find any documentation. Woot.
1 hour later…
3:39 AM
It is 5:39:55 AM, GMT+2
Thought you were in the UK.
I'm in Texas
Then it's probably around 11 or 10 PM there..
yep, 11
3:50 AM
My Macbook Pro just had to be forcibly shut down.
Trackpad and keyboard stopped responding...
It then went to sleep after a bit, because I was inputting anything. Didn't become responsive upon awakening from sleep either using the lid. Come on...
Good morning.
California passed a "yes means yes" law
Oh, good thing they cleared up the confusion around the word then. If that was a problem.
Personally, I already knew what Yes meant.
I dunno how I feel about it.... I mean, it seems good just..I feel like before getting into any relationship, I need to have a lawyer make a contract cuz if a girlfriend goes crazy in california, you're fucked probably
its a law I guess that a girl/guy has to explicitly say yes before sex
3:57 AM
It sounds silly.
But maybe it's necessary there.
although, unless you have it in writing and can prove its theirs (actually, just make a video) of them soberly saying yes before hand, else if they get mad they can bring the other to court ¯_(ツ)_/¯
One of those laws nobody's actually going to follow, and will only be relevant when prosecuting other people.
Well, I was talking to my friend who goes to a "real" college where many parties go on, and she said a guy was trying to get a girl drunk so, I mean it seems good for that
Wouldn't surprise me if that alone is entirely why the law exists.
maybe... although people get crazy sometimes. Like what if people get into heated arguments and then they get so mad they threaten that they'll bring them to court and say they said no or just never said yes
3:59 AM
Oh look, another user with a swastika for an icon. Bet that one was "randomly generated" too, wasn't it Jude..
who knows if that ever will happen but if it does, sucks for that person :P
@Owatch Same.
I told my friend to keep a eye on the girl and she said she got her away, I'm like lol WTF is wrong with guys there
You sure are a bit naive if you think it's solely confined to your local college.
There are people like that nationwide.
I haven't seen it at my college
My friends college that was happening, and I know it happens everywhere.
Then you're not looking hard enough, or not attending large social events there.
college guys are nuts
I'm not attending any social events
I'm not invited, but also if the above is happening there, then I don't really want to go there anyways
4:04 AM
Don't worry Max, you can go.
Lol, id rather not Parties aint for me
I like movies
Sounds like you're convincing yourself, because you aren't convincing me.
1) You never really go to anything, and 2) You watch movies all the time.
You can say they're not for you, and perhaps that is so, but I doubt you're really done enough to say that with certainty.
I just saw a movie last night :)
Sicario, The Martian was way better
Will watch that. Just need to find a theater here.
¯_(ツ)_/¯ a movie is a party. but we are all silent
4:17 AM
Guys I need to purchase SSL, What do you guys recommend?
Dunno, never used it myself.
Isn't it just a protocol.
Socket Security Layer
@LGL if you're a start-up...
You should really just use Heroku
and use their generated link to hook into their https
Im Using AWS
Thats what I do anyways, lo.
4:23 AM
Everything is running on AWS Already, Im starting to take security risks
1 hour later…
5:23 AM
@Owatch you watch Black Mirror
6:02 AM
@Maximilian yes
I love it when I can verify that my code works and another person's doesn't, but it cost me a weekend to do that verification and now I'm going to be pissed for the rest of the week.
6:18 AM
Its so good
I'm on episode 2
its so crazy
7:02 AM
Installed my first SSL from Comodo
is there some kind of event hook to know exactly when my app has gone past the launchimage and has loaded the first uiviewcontroller?
available in appdelegate?
or is the viewcontroller my only option?
using viewdidload etc?
Conventionally you would use viewDidLoad
Are you doing something unorthodox?
not that i would think so
no i was trying to perform a certain fetch from an API in the viewWillAppear method
however my nsfetchedresultscontroller probably isnt loaded at that time
but when it is loaded
it doesnt show the results from the fetch
so i was kinda annoyed by that
viewWillAppear is called after viewDidLoad
are you using reloadData()?
im not
7:16 AM
I'm guessing your results are in a tableView
or collectionView?
If you never use reloadData, then your results will never be populated into your table
you may get them, but doesn't mean anything without reloadData()
7:29 AM
using NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate gets you the same result
i just never see the entity returned from the nsfetchedresultscontroller
How is this for security measurement:
SSL 2084 Encrypted
DATA can only be accessed from App within boundary
No SQL Injectetion (Everything get enter as string)
Image Load with Expiry Key.
What else I'm missing?
all keys to access MySQL are 64 character long and include all 3 type of character.
I need more security
I also add some major security but can't tell :)
Do you prevent the timing attack? lol
Honestly, pretty low-key but important.
Lol I will get right into it.
I need to put my data under water, so no one can reach them
8:00 AM
anyone know a neat solution to preventing the app icon mask clipping text in an icon?
is adding a rounded border around the icon a nice solution?
It's only 4 letters showing in the icon
but they'll be clipped by the icon mask
1 hour later…
9:05 AM
Exam postponed, woo!
Logging in 250 people overloaded the computer that runs the exam sessions.
Then it ran out of disk space.
Or something.
9:38 AM
that's awesome! congrats!
everybody passes!
TBH, it could be a bad thing.
1) We had half an hour to look at the questions and write down our solutions while waiting.
2) I had solved enough to definitely do well had the exam been allowed to proceed.
2 hours later…
11:28 AM
Good afternoon
1 hour later…
12:32 PM
2 hours later…
2:33 PM
I am trying to populate UITableView with data stored in a dictionary
now in my cellForRowAtIndex how do I say, 'take first/second/third element from dictionary'?
This is my dictionary, self.items = [1 : "Apple", 2 : "Swimming", 3 : "Training", 4 : "Green"]
2:46 PM
realize that uitableview works with indexpaths
this should push you in the right direction
@Orion if my self.items were an array, this would work perfectly, self.items[indexPath.section]
i would suggest using the row property
but that is definently a possibility
it can work
oh wait im dumb
no it doesnt
no, I want to use sections
so since dict is not an ordered list, I am not able to make it work
simply call reloaddata when you add stuff to the array
or change it in any way
you have sections and rows then?
cuz im guessing you would have rather complex sections if you only use sections
if you would use rows
every item would be a row
make sure you return 1 in the numberofsectionsintableview method
learn the default uitableview delegate methods
ok, but the problem is if my dict is like this, [21 : "Apple", 42 : "Swimming", 53 : "Training", 64 : "Green"]
now how do I populate my table?
2:55 PM
just look up a good uitableview tutorial
im getting the feeling you're not too familiar with uitableview
ill try looking one up for you
yeah, first time coding an app!
you use storyboard?
2:56 PM
swift im assuming?
and I have never coded in Obj C before
only the syntax is different really
method names are the same
not too hard to convert obj-c
yea I have observed
but still if the tutorial is in obj c, I just tend to close it
and search for a swift version
and most of the tutorials online are in obj c
anyways thanks!
I will look for a tutorial now
3:29 PM
Hello again
4:19 PM
hi i used cocoapod library in my project now i want to remove that library how to do that
any one have any idea please tell me i am new with this
.bundle” specifies a simulator platform for the CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key not able to make ipa
5:36 PM
@Owatch have you gotten the rate this app prompt yet?
Can't use it anyways, testers can't vote
5:52 PM
@mattsven What about this?
A,B,C are just letters in an array that overwrites the author and time at the moment.
6:12 PM
Im in a 100K poker tournament
Oh, so a $10 USD tournament.
100K USD
is on pokerstars
Oh, so like a $10 British pound tournament
100.000 USD dollar
100.00 USD?
6:16 PM
I think it's $1
100.000,00 USD Dollar US
Can this buy you a pizza?
lol like 1293719845732 pizas
6:17 PM
More importantly, can this buy me a pizza?
not to you
ugh. Not one of the 129 billion?
oh... you wouldn't share anything with your friends here??
Michael will buy me Pizza.
I'm not the one who might win $100
I have to give all my money to Uncle Sam
for my self employment taxes.
I wish I was as wealthy as Eddwin
6:28 PM
oh Eddwin, I hope you get a royal flush.
6:45 PM
@Owatch Y/N is still less intuitive
can't recommend the white status bar background
Got no arrows, just placeholders
Dunno how to change that part either
7:29 PM
Don't ever trust third party or framework. lol
8:08 PM
Anyone here has worked with UITableViewRowAction? trying to put image instead of text
deleteComment.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: deletetImage)
but the image is large
8:21 PM
why not shrink the image?
Quality @MichaelDautermann
What Size?
I mean wouldn't look different on other devices?
b.t.w., why do you care about the image size?
is it massive?
or are you worried about the memory hit?
is 180PX by 180PX
but UITableViewRowAction is different size
Now that Shrink it, the pic is repeating
The @3x is 512X512
8:36 PM
find out what the different size is.
9:04 PM
I'm posting link on facebook which should open my app but what if I didn't install my app yet? I know what is going to happen then but how I can't prevent it?
at this moment I've covered situation when link is been cliked on desktop or on mobile. Short version I have site which detect useragend and redirect correct url depend on it.
9:17 PM
I love apple keyboards
but they get bad really fast
shift and enter get dead really quickly
9:34 PM
@Dudi read about custom url schemes and universal, which is a new feature.
I recommend having a link to your website and using javascript there to redirect
This is so annoying. For some reason in swift it seems I can't edit frames or bounds without explicitly using CGRectMake
I just want to edit 1 value
1 hour later…
11:08 PM
@mattsven I did get the Rate This App pop up thing by the way, it works.
I created my Own custom font but how can I assign it to UITableViewRowAction title?
UIFont(name: "HappensFonts", size: 22)!
You would not believe what I just knew
Venezuelan highest currenty denomination is 100 Bolivares
on black market its worth 0.8 USD$
but colombian people are buying it at 600 to 100
Because the use it to fake us money
with the coin paper
because the bill was made with a low quality ink
and money fakers are using it to stamp 20$ bill
on our venezuelan current money lol...

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