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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

1:03 AM
Ugh I'm pissed.
Deleted Images.xcassets
By accident, can't undo, can't get it back using "Put Back"
Tried adding another, stuff isn't looking as it should from the book anymore. F-M-L
1:28 AM
Come here Matt, I want to punch you.
Make me feel better.
i like my face the way it's arranged
Fine. New topic, what's your address?
No particular reason.
1:34 AM
locks doors
won't stop me
everything is terrible
Haha the chat bingo is painfully accurate
Maybe you'll win tomorrows.
Or maybe I will.
I found a way to reliably crash Tweetbot 3.
I'm awesome.
Can you find a way to get me a copy of "The Interview"?
2:37 AM
@nil How?
Swipe open four tweets at the same time.
Then click the navigation back button
Weird it would allow you to swipe open more than one cell at a time
How do I change a BOOL in Xcode?
Setting type BOOL to zero = false
But when I set it to 1 I get a warning
Incompatible integer to pointer conversion.
I just want to set it to True.
(Not zero)
2:54 AM
I can't swipe more than one cell at once.
3:09 AM
What am I doing wrong here? It's telling me the label's aren't being initalized.
Goodnight fruitcakes
I'm off to bed-sies
Not familiar with Swift, but try changing eventName.font to self.eventName.font?
3:35 AM
@borrrden You may be interested in this: smh.com.au/digital-life/games/…
Crossy Road made 7 figure already.
I got a headache
what is 7 figure?
$1,000,000 at least.
@Mutch95 This is the guy who made Crossy Road. He made such a lot of games before he found success: andrewsum.com
Nevermind I googled
They need to share
Share what?
I got headache. ouch
3:39 AM
You don't need money, many more people do.
I need $
why not
You don't need money.
3:56 AM
Why don't I?
I got dropped $200 in 1 month:/
But for good news, I figured out for real my next app
Its a collection app, like I collect movie tickets, and then you can add info and such. and it can hold movies, books, and some other stuff
Kinda like delicious library on Mac I guess
There are people who can't eat more than once a day. We're the richest 30% in the world.
I only eat once a day
I had a pizza
@EnricoSusatyo speak for yourself
The Interview stuff is going for lots of $ on Ebay
LOL, I'm sure you guys are as rich as I am too.
@ZapChance Did you try what I mentioned above?
4:11 AM
you're richer than me
That's because you're 19.
Im the poorest 19 year old i know
also my dads funny, CNN is saying The Interview stuff will be sold for a $1000 on ebay-_- I'm like, because someone lists it for $1000 doesn't mean its selling for $1000
Once someone gets it, it's going on to torrent.
but ya, posters are going for like hundreds but also ones are being added for like $20 so it doesn't matter, ill keep my tickets:]
Im sure people are making prints and selling them
This movie is pretty boring so far
@EnricoSusatyo Was eating, haven't gotten a chance, about to right now.
4:54 AM
This headache is out of control
Take a nap.
Nap? its 9pm.. more like bed
Im watching The Lord of the Rings though:P Heard the 3rd one is good and haven't seen it yet, and haven't seen them since they came out so I'm watching them
I loved the new hobbit
I don't like Lord of the Rings.
@EnricoSusatyo Just got around to doing it, I realized I could just initialize with no parameters and it's work just fine.
I do have a new question.
How would I access each of the values here?
5:00 AM
Which values are you talking about?
var events: Dictionary<String, [String]> = ["1": ["Monroe Family", "La Cañada", "8:30"]]
I can't wrap my head around it.
I am not a Swift developer, let me fire up my playground first.
Alright, sounds good.
I've attempted events["1"][0] but that hasn't worked out too well.
I know
I am not good with Swift yet :/
5:06 AM
Hey, neither am I. :P
let array<String> = yourDictionary["1"]
and then loop the array
That's not what he asked.
he wants to access the values in that array thats in a dictionary
so you get the array and loop through the array to get the values
I get the idea either way, I can just access the array for the single values.
ya you have to access that array and then you just go through it, pretty simple
5:08 AM
Yes, that's what he wants.
He wants to just access a single value.
Which value!?!:P
There is 1 dictionary with 1 key and value, which is the array anyways
Any value.
I don't understand this either, lol.
Any value? then its just a loop
for (key, value) in dictionary {}
Not a loop, you duck face.
Hopefully this will work, lol.
let array: [String] = events[String(indexPath.row)]!
cell.eventName.text = array[0]
5:11 AM
For loop everything!
Do you understand complexity theory, Max?
never heard of it
Nope, doesn't work. :P
You know that a loop is very not efficient, right?
doesn't matter
loop loop loop
I loop everywhere
5:13 AM
Might just post this project on code review, they're always good for this stuff. xD
No i can fix it
Lol, let me pastebin all of this then.
Ok so each index path = a key in the dictionary?
I need to grab the correct value for each iteration of the function, so I'd use String(indexPath.row) as the key
And then I need to grab each value and set the label as said value.
@ZapChance I got it.
5:20 AM
So when you use the subscript to get dictionary value, you get an Optional.
You need to unwrap that Optional, otherwise you wouldn't be able to treat it like the original type.
In this case, simply do this:
> events["1"]![0]
Alright, I'll go try it.
The ! in the middle after events["1"] will unwrap it and turn it into an Array object.
@Maximilian That, is how you do it.
Not loop.
> You can also use subscript syntax to retrieve a value from the dictionary for a particular key. Because it is possible to request a key for which no value exists, a dictionary’s subscript returns an optional value of the dictionary’s value type. If the dictionary contains a value for the requested key, the subscript returns an optional value containing the existing value for that key.
ZapChance This is the usual pattern btw: pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kquf2skf
So I should use the usual pattern, or unwrap using !
Use the pattern, unless you know that the value will always be there.
5:32 AM
Alright, I'm sure it'll always be there because there can never be an event without a place/time. xD
And if there is, someone is fired.
Next on the list - am I registering the cell class correctly?
Nope, no I am not.
Nevermind, I did.
Well, crud, now I'm stuck again. xD
has anyone else noticed that carbon copy cloner is about a million times better than time machine?
5:55 AM
@ZapChance What have you done?
The build broke.
@nsij22 I use both. Time machine has its own benefits, I once or twice went back a few weeks ago just to get some files.
Neither the usual pattern nor unwrapping it worked for me.
Returns "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value"
That means you forced unwrap something that's nil.
Show us the relevant lines.
Quick, I'm going for lunch in 10 minutes!
var events: Dictionary<String, [String]> = ["1": ["Monroe Family", "La Cañada", "8:30"]]

if let i = events[String(indexPath.row)] {
cell.eventName.text = i[0]
cell.eventCity.text = i[1]
cell.eventTime.text = i[2]
} else {

5:59 AM
prints "Failed" then gives the error on the second println
yeah my issue with time machine is it did not back up a bunch of my preferences and application settings
nsij22: It's not meant to back up a few things, but in my experience it's been good. When buying a new laptop I always use Time Machine to setup the new laptop.
where as ccc is an identicle copy so never an issue
really? i will never use time machine to set up a new one again
some apple tech told me my only option to fix my laptop was to reinstall the entire os and that i should use time machine instead of ccc and that it would be identicle
Sometimes CCC can be bad too – for example your CCC backup is on 10.9, your new laptop is in 10.10, you don't know which OS level files were copied from CCC is carried over to 10.10 where it shouldn't have been.
6:01 AM
not so identicle lol
Nevermind Enrico, indexPath.row starts at 0, not one.
@ZapChance Of course it would fail.
but that is only for a major os upgrade
Lol, I was going to say, because that means events[String(indexPath.row)] does not exist.
Yeah, just thought of that. xD
6:02 AM
nsij22: That's exactly what I meant. Time machine wouldn't have that problem.
But even from like 10.9.1 backup to 10.9.2, you may have some weirdness if you are restoring from CCC.
I use SuperDuper actually that works like CCC.
But I would only restore from SuperDuper if I was on the same machine with same OS.
@EnricoSusatyo Do you have time to see why the custom cell isn't being used? I don't want to take any time away from you.
If I buy a new laptop I don't use CCC or SuperDuper.
Zap: Maybe, show me quickly.
There's the link to the raw pastebin, everything except for the updated dictionary access is there.
You mean this line?
> tableView.registerClass(EventCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "EventCell")
Do you have "EventCell" in your Storyboard?
What is the error message?
There is none, it just uses the default style. And no, it's not in the storyboard, I'm doing it programmatically.
6:07 AM
Hmm, in that case why are you using reuse identifier "EventCell"?
No need to keep pinging me, nsij22.
oh so all you need to do is a space after autoselcting names instead of pressing enter
and yeah that is a fair bit of required hard drive space lol, has apple made it easier to use network drives?
No idea, I've just been following a tutorial and that's what it said to do.
Ok, I see.
Try to remove this line:
> tableView.registerClass(EventCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "EventCell")
And then in cellForRowAtIndexPath func try this:
> EventCell *cell = (EventCell *)[theTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:"EventCell"];
> if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[EventCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:"EventCell"];
Damn it I can't do Swift.
Lol, don't worry about it. I'll poke around some more, thanks for all the help with the dictionary.
6:13 AM
Haha ok.
Basically the problem is that you haven't declared that custom cell to use that reuse identifier.
There are a few ways to get around that: Either alloc it in storyboard with reuse identifier, or alloc it like above.
Anyway, you'll figure it out.
Come back here later, see you.
anyone have any luck with routers for network drives?
You were saying any value, any value means you don't know the key. if you know the key then of course use subscript
there isn't a subscript for any key:P "array[pleasePullARandomValueFromThisArray]"? lol no! LOOP
Man, you really do like your loops.
java or c++ anyone?
6:43 AM
Lol No, but i mean you 2 were confusing me on what you wanted:P
2 hours later…
8:34 AM
I can't get my PDF to zoom:[
1 hour later…
10:15 AM
10:50 AM
Hello guys. Good afternoon. I am facing issue in integrating google play services with iOS project. Many classes and header files are missing. Have anyone done this integration before?
@iAnum hi
hi Pans! What's up?
11:06 AM
I didn't know Google Play was an iOS thing...
@iAnum hw r u ?
y u use chat speek?
I am fine @Pans. You tell
how could the popcorn time source actually be removed from git?!
anyone know where to find ios source? popcorn-time.se/source.html zip is broken
2 hours later…
1:58 PM
They have a BitBucket.
2:19 PM
Where is @MichaelDautermann
Its holidays for most people surely ?
I haven't taken holidays. Just the official Christmas and day after.
3:09 PM
1 hour later…
4:16 PM
Hello! I have a problem with Facebook. Each time I go at the site of friends of a person there is a Picture of 2 naked men directly on the friend's list. Why?? Is it a virus?? What can I do to get rid of this picture??

I am sorry if this Chat room is not appropriate for that.

Can you help me?
This is NSChat
Discussion for iOS and OS X developers.
I'm not sure how we'd be able to help.
Explain the problem with the picture
Is it supposed to be there, does it appear there from multiple devices?
If you were to use your phone to visit the page, would you still see it?
@EnricoSusatyo Add this to the Bingo list
5:24 PM
6:19 PM
Set fire to all of Facebook's APIs (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
6:31 PM
@Owatch This Picture appears only when I am in Facebook from Google Chrome. When I am in Facebook from Internet Explorer it doesn't appear. Why does this occur?
6:41 PM
@user159870 The picture is Facebook's way of providing you with what you want. That is all.
7:37 PM
@user159870 Then it is likely malware, yes. However, can you try chrome from another computer or device to confirm this? If so, make sure your extensions are clear and none are enabled that you do not recognise.
7:48 PM
It's likely a rogue extension. Disable even 'trusted' ones, and see what changes.
Otherwise, it's something on your computer interfering with requests or somesuch...but that's unlikely as it doesn't happen outside of Chrome.
Is there any way to do static int i = [self num]; in a method and [self num] only be called once ever without implementing a check?
I doubt it but just wondering.
Far as I know that is only possible with compile-time constants
I've traced the IP
I'm onto something!
It's coming from inside the house
It looks like Mattsven is behind this.
I'm going to try to break into his network.
Im in
Not even close.
types frantically
sudo open up firewall bug #1000
Matt and Owatch, check it out github.com/MaxHasADHD/MLPDFReader
7:56 PM
spews tech jargon
download files from table * WHERE file = "The Interview.mkv"
Yes that's right
I'm working with North Korea
bangs hands all over keyboard
download at 60.999999%
Credit card numbers appear everywhere
Illuminati trade secrets flash by
You'll never stop me in time!
download at 80.1337%
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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