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1:57 AM
posted on June 30, 2016 by Johann

Formatting is an open source Swift library that allows you to perform functional string formatting, and adds type safety. Formatting utilizes a syntax similar to common print formatting statements, but allows you to avoid common errors that can occur such as when a string is null or optional, and also allows you to compose formatters […]

2 hours later…
4:20 AM
good morning all
Good morning...
Good Morning All
Good morning :)
4:39 AM
Good Morning All
4:55 AM
gud mrng everyone
@iShwar GM
@NitinGohel @Leena @DhavalBhadania @ShobhakarTiwari @GurumoorthyArumugam @Praveen @Harshad @Anjan @Sport @iApple @ALL "Good Morning Friends :)"
"Jai Shree Krishna :) :)"
"Jai Shree Ram :) :)"
@NitinGohel how are you bro.. is there raining ..
i am fine not raining just cloudy atmosphere
@PayalManiyar gm devi
parelax done?
5:13 AM
@NitinGohel na. Doing it
ok sarasing
@NitinGohel haha
Good Morning
@sanjeet morning
anyone here proficient in java?
5:19 AM
Good Morning@NitinGohel
@Gamex morninging
@Donnie :)
@Donnie its iOS devloper room
you need to find android or java room
Theyre so preoccupied though
@sanjeet you know the ropes?
@Donnie no idea about java
5:23 AM
and search with JAVA
there is lots of room
5:49 AM
any one have raywenderlich old PHP script for push notification ?
6:01 AM
@NitinGohel any link for creating wireframe
@NitinGohel dada kem cho ?
@ShobhakarTiwari bengoli gujarati mix
how to create that kind of dict
6:22 AM
@Gamex its an array containing multiple dictionary
how can we do that
create a dictionary and within the loop add it into array
@Gamex create a mutablearray called userlocationdetails
and create var locationdict = [String:AnyObject]
now add lat and long inside the locationdict like
locationdict["lat"] = "latvalue"
locationdict["long"] = "longvalue"

6:31 AM
@NitinGohel hello sir ji
now you got the array of lat and long values.
@NitinGohel is this workable apns-gcm.bryantan.info ?
create one var user1dict:NSMutableDictionary!
now set user1dict.setObject(userlocationdetails,forKey:user1)
now print the user1dict
you will get your desired output :)
wait i m using obj-c
6:33 AM
@Gamex wat matter is how u add dictionary doesnt matter language
yaa just calculating logic bro
@rameshbhuja yea for this u need to upload certificates
nothing else
@Gamex just use the same logic and convert it to Objective-C
yaa almost done
@BoominadhaPrakashM @ShobhakarTiwari Thanks for your time
6:35 AM
@ShobhakarTiwari yes upload .pem file also
You are welcome @Gamex
@ShobhakarTiwari u try with this ?
@ShobhakarTiwari, shall we start
yea i did once same kid of website
@Ranjit yea
did you create a demo project?
6:38 AM
no man dint get time
u done with collectionview ?
I have created the design
but I have some issues
so cell is showing , show me wat exactly it looking
yea share issue
shall i share the demo project?
or screenshot?
share screenshot
6:41 AM
great . u r too close
u just need to change the design now
yes, but I am not getting that round edges
and I need your help with it
tech and direction these two different button(imageview) or same
tech is one button and direction is other
no imageView is used
both buttons are inside a stackView
first of al make cel background to white
and then make iboutlet for both the button
its done
you there?
6:50 AM
okey now within cell set layer for first button
but i think its better to use image if u can otherwise u have to do it with code
chck how to change shape of button using layer
u can do it this way also
corner radius
but the issue is that it will change for whole button
i hope you got my pint
yea thats y i told u use image for it
2 mins ago, by Shobhakar Tiwari
but i think its better to use image if u can otherwise u have to do it with code
using image is not possibel
hey we can use a label for text and image for direction
lets not use button
7:04 AM
i just busy to create
swift PDF Reader using
vrf class
good going @NitinGohel
@ShobhakarTiwari what the issue
i was busy so let reply
@NitinGohel, have you worked with custom flow layouts
in collectionViews
like how did you want
i never creat fully custom layout
7:18 AM
i use some one's else and do change as per requirement
can you use my demo project
and do changes
i am almost done
how do you want?
got stuck with some layout issue
first can you tel me
7:20 AM
is this collectionview
its a like a tag?
send me project
@NitinGohel namaskar dada
7:29 AM
remove link
7:44 AM
posted on June 30, 2016 by Johann

SnappingStepper is an open source ui component from Yannick Loriot that provides a custom stepper component with an integrated slider. SnappingStepper allows you to customize the look of the stepper with a wide variety of options (shape, colors, fonts, size), and users can use the integrated slider to quickly go through values without needing to […]

is there anyway to download the ipa file to my mac
no need to insta''
just i want that IPA file with me
@hacker who use your account
i am dame sure some one else also use your account
@hacker and download from where
@NitinGohel y
@NitinGohel just from a weblink i need to download the pain to my mac
@NitinGohel, any luck with it?
not that auto installation thing
@NitinGohel ?
7:56 AM
@Ranjit yes done
@hacker sorry
no idea
@NitinGohel when we are downloading it from web it will go to iTunes right?
that itunes url
can i have it in my download folder
@NitinGohel how did u do that collectionview design using layer or iamgeview
oh thanks @NitinGohel
can I have a look
7:59 AM
one small issue is
one cell gose to right
@ShobhakarTiwari which one
@NitinGohel is it collectionview?
i am also stuck with the same thing
8:01 AM
@NitinGohel same thing because he needs white line before direction button (>)
that you need to add in lable
i create an extesion class
given left and right padding
and for the corner radiantion you need to height / 2
that show your smooth round corner
@NitinGohel it is because of item size of collectionview
so @NitinGohel, we still need to add a white vertical line and direction icon to right
@NitinGohel, I think you need to change something in this
self.tagNameMaxWidthConstraint.constant = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width - 5 * 2 - 5 * 2
so that the cell will not go to the right
8:24 AM
did that work @NitinGohel
@ShobhakarTiwari @NitinGohel How can I change the background of an existing image in iOS.That is I have images in iphone and I want to change background of any image throgh iOS programming.
@TarunSachdeva set timer and change image
@ShobhakarTiwari I want to do this in ios app. videostir.com Please see once
Please have a look at video on that link @ShobhakarTiwari
@ShobhakarTiwari, @NitinGohel
check the below image
@PayalManiyar can you elaborate your solution for this
you said that itemsize of collectionView
8:51 AM
@Ranjit add white vertical label and set its left and right constraint
first and then show me ur code for collectionviewdelegates
@ShobhakarTiwari, did you see the screenshot
I have added label, vertical view and image inside a UIstackView
okey no issue then show me ur collectionview delgate method
following this example but usercurrent location is not showing
@Gamex whr u testing !
@Ranjit just configure (top right bottom left ) value it gona fix
9:04 AM
@Gamex u getting lat long , did u print it !
@ShobhakarTiwari pastie.org/10895149
Hi guys
can anyone help me out with this link stackoverflow.com/questions/38118014
@ShobhakarTiwari bhai kuch pata chala
@NitinGohel, did you get the reason for it why it is going towards right
@Ranjit did u try something in attribute method
9:14 AM
yaaa i m getting lat long
but location is not showing
@ShobhakarTiwari, what?
in education line only one item or multiple item is there
only one item
cell is common for all
send me ur project
reaching home in 1 hr
ok I will do
just ping me once you reach
9:27 AM
send me
@Ranjit for that have to check code and right now have lot of work.
that some things
flow isue
@Ranjit its solved
@PayalManiyar nope
I am not understanding whats going wrong
9:38 AM
@Ranjit i am telling you not asking
oh great
how did you do it
just add constraint in storyboard
sending you storyboard
@Ranjit how to give you storyboard?
hey do u have dropbox account
if yes then upload the project and share the link
9:40 AM
@Ranjit okay
hey @PayalManiyar one more thing
whenever the direction image is clicked, I want to do some action, how we can do that?
@Ranjit check the file
@Ranjit replace storyboard file
@Ranjit okay . but i have my issue to solve so mean time if I get free I will check and let you know
ok payal no issues
@Ranjit let me know after replace the storyboard it works or not
@PayalManiyar its not working
did you checked at your side?
9:47 AM
@Ranjit after replacde storyboard not working?
send me whole project @PayalManiyar
@PayalManiyar one tag is not getting proper position
but in landscape it looks perfect
screen shot from my simulator
9:51 AM
@PayalManiyar It's strange. I am not getting like your simulator
hey @PayalManiyar, I ran on my iphone 4 device
and its not working
@Ranjit screenshot?
one cell is still to the extreme right
I checked in iphone 6s plus
I checked in 6s
@Ranjit Post your screenshot
9:53 AM
@PayalManiyar have a look
@Ranjit isses is in 4s . I check in simulator
oh okay
so what can we do abt it?
@Ranjit checking
@BhavinRamani, you checked on device or simulator?
@Ranjit 6s simulator
9:58 AM
@PayalManiyar, I checked on iphone 5 simulator, it has the issue
@BhavinRamani, thanks
@BhavinRamani, can you help us
@Ranjit because same width as 4s
@Ranjit yes i am watching your project
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 19:00

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