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1:30 AM
@DirkEddelbuettel I've created the beginnings of an Rcpp Gallery post for working with bigmemory and RcppArmadillo
I promise this time not to clobber the existing gallery: github.com/sritchie73/rcpp-gallery/blob/bigmemory-RcppArmadillo/…
1:43 AM
@ScottRitchie Practice makes perfect :) A .cpp with embedded R will work fine. I can just commit after your happy (enough), no need for a full pull request etc pp. Ok?
Sure. I'll finish it up over the weekend.
2 hours later…
3:44 AM
Did something happen to the gold close power? I had it earlier today, but just clicked to terminate this request for a tool and it just added a second close vote...
3:57 AM
The gold close hammer is only for duplicates.
@MatthewLundberg Ah, thanks.
3 hours later…
6:52 AM
I wish I could invest time to learn C properly.
4 hours later…
11:13 AM
@Roland It wasn't faster though.
11:29 AM
I wish I could invest time to learn assembly language properly...
I wish I could invest time to fabricate my own FPGA matrix multiplying chip properly...
My Quantum Computing matrix multiplier has the right answer already, its just in a quantum superposition with all the wrong answers.
1 hour later…
12:47 PM
I didn't think Rcore and energy drinks would mix:
1:16 PM
Ergo, R version names.
3 hours later…
3:56 PM
off-topic stackexchange-is-not-rstudio-support-forum: stackoverflow.com/questions/24959251/…
4:15 PM
anyone poked around with R6 yet? stable enough to bother learning?
1 hour later…
5:30 PM
@AriB.Friedman R6?
@GavinSimpson New OO package by Winston, not S4 based, "lighter" and "faster". Now on CRAN.
1 hour later…
6:53 PM
There are some links to some interesting slides by Luke Tierney and Radford Neal here (among others) from the DSC conference: blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/07/dsc-2014.html

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