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12:04 PM
Hmm checking use of this.
OK checking again.
And again checking
OK and strike
and --- strike through ----
OK --- strike through ---
strike through
Hmm ok.
It's not okay.
Just *one
Just one
open file(blurb); "OK not code"
'code here'
[link name](http:cognitivefun.net "check this out")
[link name](http//:cognitivefun.net "check this out")
@littlepootis hi
Just playing around to get the jist of things.
I am not sure I am doing links right.
7 hours later…
7:29 PM
               so fail
                       very user
such pro
!!imdb Alice through the looking glass
@Pluto Something went on fire; status 403
!!google test
/google test
                  much fail
                             very user
many pro
7:38 PM
!!define peanut butter
@Pluto peanut butter A spread made from ground peanuts.
@Pluto help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf
7:43 PM
@Pluto Cya looser
@Pluto foo bar
!!goog hello world
7:44 PM
!!google hello world
!!help google
@Pluto google: Search Google. /google query
!!help googļe
@Pluto googļe: User-taught command: <>[$1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0)
!!help gethis
@Pluto gethis: User-taught command: [Gethis](http://stackoverflow.com/teams/165/gethis)
7:46 PM
!!googļe lalala
@Pluto A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
7:50 PM
Anyone want to give me an opinion about web design?
I'm basically the only one here besides rlemon
But sure fire away
@Pluto Go to tarsonpools.com when loaded scroll down to "Testimonials" tell me if you think its too much?
you'll kno what I'm talking about
The gif definitely is, it's really distracting
But otherwise it's good
It's a YT Video. It's a pretty cool API, it's hard to learn it
Yeah I'd just use a static image
Maybe just make it so you can click the next testimonial and that'll come into view instead of only being able to drag it in view
7:56 PM
Hmm, I thought I added the click... must be owl carousel blocking it
@Pluto I added blur to it, is it not blured for you?
It looks blurred but it's still a very large background with constant motion going on
8:09 PM
!!/learn giphy <>http://li.rlemon.ca/$encode($1)#.png (.+) 'gives you gifs!'
@rlemon Command giphy learned
!!giphy yisss
fuck yea!
@rlemon Command giphy learned
8:10 PM
@rlemon Is that your bot btw?
Zirak wrote it, I help maintain and host
@DendiSuhubdy help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, as
8:15 PM
ಊ(╰◣▂ ◢╯)Ψ
8:18 PM

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