6828 messages found

Jun 6 14:19
Because I would rather inconvienience the rare use cases that have issues now then force everyone else to need to use a crap name?
Jun 4 18:50
ArrayObject is such a disgusting piece of crap
Mar 24 16:11
@Trowski Indeed. I found it hard to find a good example showcasing the strengths of the OO API over the functional API of mt_rand/shuffle/str_shuffle/array_rand. For a release post a “yeah array_rand exists, but is crap” probably is not something worth showcasing.
Mar 19 21:24
@Girgias The real problem IMO is not the infiniteness of it. The problem is that some iterators rewind, and emit a warning, but then yield empty sequences, or null, and crap like that. I distinctly remember hitting this with databases once... was horrible.
Dec 8, 2023 14:23
Yeah, it's coming to that, but that's a 20-30 minute reboot and app restart penalty with this memory choked, fanless corporate crap box
Oct 4, 2023 14:55
@TimWolla We have so much crap everywhere. I'd love to clean it up, but my boss is fearful and has bigger fish to fry
Oct 4, 2023 14:51
Nice benefit: Less crap in your database server, freeing up resources for important stuff and making backups smaller.
Sep 10, 2023 22:15
Makes sense
and then we have crap like the live collection stuff in dom, which _by spec_ requires us to keep the collection updated while iterating and possibly manipulating the tree
May 30, 2023 12:17
@MarkR I spent multiple hours trying that, and also installed some software to let me tweak even more font rendering settings....they still looked incredibly crap.
May 9, 2023 05:57
@Crell Ah crap, someone else already told me that, thanks for the reminder!
Apr 15, 2023 02:06
@MarkR Set up filters? That's what I have now. Also I'm in the same boat as Derick, GitHub notifications and emails are crap and is a PITA. The mailing is far far from perfect but I'm not permamently nagged by a stupid blue icon around the notification bell and can look at stuff when I want as ignoring the PHP Internals folder isn't that difficult
Mar 29, 2023 16:14
Also, I personally find that sort of API kinda crap :p
Mar 29, 2023 16:12
What I was proposing ~8 years ago (sidenote, holy crap, that was 8 years ago???) was to have a unified system and indicate via a flag argument whether it was a class, function, or constant. That way the system was extensible and would gracefully degrade to older versions wrather than copying: wiki.php.net/rfc/function_autoloading
Jan 26, 2023 17:23
Even in some urban areas, public transit is crap...
Jan 26, 2023 17:23
@Derick I would definitely do that there. Our mass transit in rural areas (most of the US) is crap, so we're used to driving everywhere.
Dec 11, 2022 17:12
Crap this works in php 7.4
Nov 22, 2022 21:43
Crap, logic fault!
Nov 16, 2022 04:41
characterizing the crap going on through twitter blue
Nov 9, 2022 17:35
WTF is it so hard to copy a link from my phone to my desk top without all that crap beinbg embedded :P
Oct 27, 2022 19:36
holy crap that was a pain to get working
Oct 24, 2022 17:02
@Danack Sorry, I got the notification and subsequently forgot about the mention, due to other busy stuff, but now remembered. I believe that random identifiers and voucher codes are the real use case there, if only to get give users an obvious alternative to crap such as md5(mt_rand()) or sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)).
Sep 15, 2022 14:41
> It can be detected by ~~~static analysis~~~ people giving a crap if their program is correct or not.
Sep 10, 2022 20:45
@JRL well I was asking why its still there if it's considered crap/bad practice/whatever
Sep 10, 2022 20:27
We know PHP is crap. There's a reason why the room description starts with "Support group for those afflicted with PHP."
Sep 10, 2022 20:27
> I wasn't the one calling PHP crap.
Sep 10, 2022 19:59
as to this, I wasn't the one calling PHP crap. I was simply asking people's opinion on why ArrayObject doesn't behave like an array despite the documentation and naming.

The first answer was "PRs are welcome", the second answer was that I'm an idiot that doesn't understand the difference between arrays and objects. And the third answer was that SPL being shit is a public secret that apparently never made it up to the official docs.
Sep 10, 2022 12:32
It's clear to me only by way of experience... looking at the interfaces it implements, the naming of the class..and literally, the documentation:

> This class allows objects to work as arrays.

it gives a different idea.

As to using it, if I extend it or make something new based on those interfaces, I'm either extending crap or reinventing the wheel of crap. :)
Aug 23, 2022 11:02
Oof, I just realised that gen_stub (or more importantly the files generated from it) will crap itself if an extension re-uses a function name in multiple namespaces: gist.github.com/alcaeus/0fdbaacab8427e95dee4e36b14db7dc5
Aug 18, 2022 15:22
e.g. for the hobbit, a review in three parts: youtube.com/watch?v=uTRUQ-RKfUs +youtube.com/watch?v=ElPJr_tKkO4 + youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7t_g5QObs Where the films were made longer by adding random crap to the original story.
Aug 18, 2022 15:20
I don't think 'forced' is quite the right phrase. The underlying problem is that if you asked the show-runners "why are you making this show? What part of the LOTR story do you think needs expanding?" the only answer they would come up with is "we like money". So instead of making decisions based on what story they want to tell, people are coming up with random suggestions of "hey why don't we do this?" and so random crap is added that doesn't push the focused narrative forward.
Aug 4, 2022 20:42
don't let @Sara hear you guys talking crap about C++ :P
Aug 3, 2022 07:39
@DGF For the names, yes. For the values, partly. For values you can validate that the value is utter crap. But can can't generically validate the syntax for an arbitrary header. Most of the older headers are defined with a header-specific ABNF.
Jul 27, 2022 14:16
But I also disagree with the CWE crap that is used to rate the severity of CVEs. All of them are rated "High", but none of them really are.
Jul 19, 2022 14:25
@JRL there's also overlap between 'internals is crap' for RFCs like the Random and CURL api ones, and the fact that, for whatever reason, really very few people develop or install extensions:
Jul 13, 2022 23:24
Anyone know how to turn that gamification crap off?
May 31, 2022 22:33
Yeah that's basically what I thought initially, but making a mutable version for these 8 cases seems crap too
Apr 7, 2022 21:36
Yeah, anyway: The less knobs users (and package builders) are able to fiddle with, the better. There should really not be any reason for CPanel shipping the libmysqlclient crap with the 'pdo_mysql' name.
Apr 7, 2022 15:34
@IluTov Ow, crap. Thanks for the update and hope that your further recovery goes well!
Mar 4, 2022 13:34
I came up with the flow I have right now due to that, reviewers being lazy and crap commits everywhere
Feb 24, 2022 11:29
For those that don't know, Pronskiy lives in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine.....so maybe don't give PHPstorm twitter any crap if they don't respond that quickly to questions for the foreseeable.
Feb 20, 2022 21:42
And I might tell you all of them are crap as that shouldn't be part of the type system
Feb 15, 2022 23:25
@Tiffany No, it's usually "crap" for actual IRC users
Jan 31, 2022 16:14
The array functions are mostly crap anyway, IME, so I'd be perfectly happy to make them their own things. But they should be iterable, and spawn 0-based numeric keys on-demand when iterated.
Jan 17, 2022 14:07
I think premature optimization is the reason of all evils, for example if you have two controllers which do exactly the same, instead of copying the controller and renaming it, people would include a special case inside one, then when business logic gets more complex that logic will be in one single controller full of if crap all over the place
Jan 12, 2022 18:52
Frankly, the systems I have to work on are useless crap 😐
Jan 12, 2022 14:58
so then I performed 10 requests with utf8 crap (emojis mostly) as the session id
Jan 10, 2022 16:46
@Derick the thing that worked for me was refusing to release a new version of imagick that supported php 8.0 half a year.....at least to a few thousand dollars per month. But only because pecl is so crap that forking stuff distributed through it is not feasible, whereas JS stuff can be forked by anyone, hence the author of faker.js throwing a wobbly.
Jan 3, 2022 03:20
@SaifEddinGmati doesn't seem to be a sane way to write the result out so you aren't rebuilding the state machine from scratch every time :-/ other than that it does seem not-totally-crap tho, which is definitely more than I can say for anything else I have looked at
Jan 1, 2022 21:31
@Girgias Holy crap. Found it, clicked the link, it dumps me right into my JetBrains account with another license added, and download links. Zoinks.
Dec 31, 2021 15:03
How many months is an agreeable amount of time to work for a crap company before quitting?
Dec 11, 2021 06:56
yeah the block verse is crap

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