17 messages found

Nov 23, 2016 08:37
@sehe I’m not going into the details because it’s complicated, that was for the sake of pointing out the correct term that I’ve mentioned before. plus what do we need the theory for if we have a compiler to throw our theorems to?
Nov 23, 2016 08:21
(when I said 'linear types' I really meant 'linear and affine types', as per usual)
Oct 7, 2016 10:46
linear/affine types though
Feb 2, 2016 06:52
@HubertApplebaum I can’t help but think affine
Jan 25, 2016 21:26
with care enough the Rust compiler can help you catch use-after-unpin (same as it can catch use-after-close, use-after-free, etc.), if that’s what you want/need? aka linear/affine types
Dec 3, 2015 09:38
@AwanAfuqya Hey I once joked about typestate and we discussed regions and everything (linear/affine typing etc.), turns out there were great answers this week on a semi-related topic. Some of the approaches touch on those things I mentioned, look for the Tuple/HList and the indexed monads.
Oct 6, 2015 11:27
@JohanLarsson ime it’s convenient for affine types, i.e. let x = f(x); let x = g(x); and so on.
Oct 4, 2015 13:44
Linear/affine types have too many tricks up their sleeves to ignore them.
Sep 9, 2015 01:01
That’s region programming, linear/affine typing and those effect systems namely.
Jun 9, 2015 18:55
To me std::unique_ptr makes sense as a name what with linear/affine types (if you only take into account the 'owning' path, not the results of operator*/get()).
Apr 17, 2015 09:04
@Xeo It’s 'exactly once'. Affine is 'at most once'.
Apr 17, 2015 09:02
It does, though. Rust did not invent linear/affine type systems either.
Mar 1, 2015 18:21
@Fanael Yes, C++ does need that we bolt on more features! First a linear/affine type system, then we can get right to dependent types!
Nov 11, 2014 20:07
I’ve seen discussions come up about it and IIRC it’s unlikely to go away, since it’s so damn convenient for affine (move-only) types.
Oct 27, 2014 18:39
@Cicada If you have no experience with linear/affine/uniqueness types it’s not a bad choice.
Sep 16, 2014 04:00
Affine types mean that \x -> (x, x) is invalid, but \x -> 4 is.
Sep 16, 2014 03:58
No love for affine types and lifetime tracking?
